𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 14➴

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"Y/N, you're literally so slow, hurry up

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"Y/N, you're literally so slow, hurry up." Fumikage crossed his arms, and turned around. You were walking slowly behind him.

"Oh shut up, I'm injured." You stuck your middle finger up at him. He placed his hand over his chest. "I'm so hurt." He wiped a fake tear from his eye.

You let out a little laugh, and caught up to him.

The two of you made your way to the hospital and then walked around the courtyard. You were a lot slower than Fumikage, but he managed to slow down his pace so that you could keep up with him.

"Are you sure you don't like Hawks?" Fumikage turned to you.

"I said I don't like him, what's so hard to understand about that?" You rolled your eyes.

"Okay, so how do you feel about him then?" Fumikage nudged you.

"Well, I don't know. He's a cocky bitch who is oddly good at sex and lies about wearing eyeliner?" You threw your hands in the air, not knowing what else to say. Fumikage sighed.

"That's not what I meant, how do you feel whenever you think about him? Not how he looks, or how he acts, how do you feel?" He nudged you again. You nudged him back this time.

"God, don't make it sound so cringey like that. I just said how I felt, didn't I? What's so hard to understand? When I look at Hawks, or when I think about him, I just think that he's attractive, and even though he's cocky and overly sexual, he's still sweet in his own way. I don't know, I just feel more free when I'm with him, it just doesn't feel so suffocating? But at the same time, it also does feel suffocating, and my heart always aches when he isn't around. Is that enough for you?" You ran your hands through your hair, feeling your cheeks start to heat up.

You weren't the type of person who enjoyed talking about your problems, but you didn't want to have to keep them to yourself. Sure, you liked telling people about it, but when they started to try and give you advice, it made you feel awkward.

"Perfectly fine, thank you." Fumikage smiled, and messed up your hair.

"You're so weird sometimes, you virgin bird." You let out a little chuckle.

"You're just as weird, human radio." He replied.

"Human radio? Okay, you've lost me. I can't sing, and I can't play music either." You crossed your arms and pouted. "Well, you may not be able to sing, but if you could sing, then you could increase the volume of your voice and not even need a microphone. I don't know, it's all I could think of!" Fumikage threw his arms in the air.

You put your hand over your mouth, trying to hold in a laugh.

However, it wasn't very helpful. You bursted out laughing, clutching onto Fumikage's arm to not fall over. "It's not even that funn-" Fumikage couldn't hold in his laugh either, and started laughing aswell.

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