Welcome To Our School, Russia!

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Another school. Another bunch of dumbasses to beat up. The auditorium was full. I guess these people don't get a lot of new folks. The Headmaster. United... whatever. Announces somethings that I could care less about.

Tsk. How long is this annoying guy gonna talk for? I thought. The Headmaster made his way towards me after he was done talking about useless shit.

"Come on, Russia, it's time to show yourself." He grabbed my shoulders, he was slightly taller than me.  "By the way," He lead me out to the stage, "I don't find myself that annoying." He waved me out onto the stage. The hell!?

"Russia Moscow, everyone!" I walked out still a little shocked but now is the time to scout. I looked out among the crowd, you can tell who the high rankers are from the way they look at other stronger people. There's two types of high rankers, the one seeking an ally and the one seeking an enemy. There! Those five at the way back, their gazes! They are the high-rankers in this school!

The Headmaster leans down to me, "Those five are our most powerful. Japan, the one with the red circle, is #5. Germany, the one with the glasses, is #4. India, the girl with the braid, is #3. China, the red one, is #2. And America. Pangea Academy's number one." He whispers. America. What a name. I couldn't clearly see his face, but I'll see it after the assembly.

. . .

I walked out of the assembly room, and looked to see the entire school waiting for me. The top rankers in front. Only four of them though...

"Welcome to our school Russia!" The red man... China! greets.

"Yeah, yeah. So who's your number one?" I looked among the crowd. The girl named Japan, pushed someone forward. A striped male, he was handsome. But, I'll address that once I'm above him in the ranks. He sighed, annoyed at the Japanese girl., but nonetheless he walked towards me and held out his hand.

"Um- I'm America District Columbia. I've heard big things about you! Hope you don't disappoint..." He muttered the last bit while shaking my hand. Snarky! I like him.

"Russia Moscow. I would like to fight you." I stated bluntly. He was obviously put off by that.

"Uh... I-" He looked at our still intertwined hands.

"No way, Russia Moscow!" The Chinese interjected. I glared at him. "You're gonna have to go through us, before you try to beat Starboy! In which, you won't." China walked over to behind America and place his hand on America's shoulders. I let go of his hand.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me..." His tone got serious, was he really trying to protect the number one at this school? Usually people want to see the number one fail? But this school likes him?

"Oh come on guys!" America spoke up, we didn't stop glaring, and he got even more pissed, "Listen the fuck up, you two." He pushed me away as well as China. "Russia you still have to get assorted, I wouldn't make enemies the first day. And China, it's his first day!"

"You heard the professors talk about him, Starboy! He's dangerous, and it's better to rid the threat before they try anything." China growled, I huffed.

"Does. It. Look. Like. I. Care?" The American glared at the Chinese man. Which obviously spooked China, and he backed down. "Russia! Shall I show you to your dorm room?"

"No, I-"He grabbed my arm and pulled me. We went through the hallways and he pulled me towards some desk, and he started talking to some lady.

"Okay," He let go finally, "Your dorm number, and here's a map, and your schedule. And look! You have science with me tomorrow!" He smiled. "Follow me, this is the dorm building." He walked to a big entrance with navy blue letters sketched on top: "DORMS"

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