Wishing Upon My Downfall!

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"Ha! You wish!" The American laughed, causing his brother to growl in anger.

"I don't get it! You act so immature to be #1 in this school!" Canada pouted.

"Are you saying you'd be better at #1?" America taunted.

"Yes!" America laughed, he knew Canada couldn't hold this position at the top for at most a mere minute. Nonetheless, Canada was #21 at Pangea Academy, he had amazing skill. His powers could be improved for the better if he just put a little more work into them though. Canada had the power of electricity. He could shock anyone within a 10 meter radius, if he focuses he can get one synchronized shot out that really packs a punch. 

"Hey, Starboy!" America recognized that nickname from anywhere, he was presented with it when the teachers kept calling him a star for rising to #1 almost immediately.  

"China." The American greeted his friend. Or more like rival.

"Oh, what's with the sour mood? Did somebody say that you weren't perfect? Do you need me to beat them up or are you finally gonna use your power?" China mocked. The striped male sighed, causing the Chinese man to chuckle. "Oi, Oi! It was just a little harmless banter! I wanted to inform you on something though," America hummed in interest. "Apparently, we're getting a transfer student! He's supposedly very strong and climbs ranks quickly. Or as they described in this document," China pulled out a very obviously stolen official school document, "'An eager boy, who will stop at nothing to be the #1 at Pangea's Academy!'"

"God damnit, China!" America snatched the paper from him, "You're gonna get in more trouble than you're worth."

"Well you shouldn't worry! Because there is no way he will beat me for the #2 rank, I'll hold him off for you!" The Chinese man cheekily smiled, then grabbed the paper back and activated his power. China's power is strong as well. He has been blessed with the power of Teleportation. He could be anywhere, at any time. Making it quite difficult for countries looking to seek a higher rank to beat him. 

"That guy is gonna get me expelled!" The American ranted to his brother, who just giggled along at his outrage until they arrived at class.

"Ame!" Another friend, Germany #4 in Pangea Academy, shouted down the hall. Activating his power to meet up quickly with the brothers. Germany Berlin has the power of speed, helpful but not enough to get in the top 3. But nonetheless, every power is special in it's own way. 

"Hey, Germs!"

"Have you heard about the new kid?!" He spoke quickly, obviously excited for America's answer.

"Uh, yeah. I have."  He beamed at this, and quickly ran down the hall. "Weird..."

"He's weird sometimes, America, I mean, he's Germany!" Canada joked. The striped male chuckled a little. America grabbed the door handle to enter the classroom, and immediately Ms. NASA, the science teacher, started asking him,

"Have you heard about the new transfer student, America?" The class turned their usually drowsy but now attentive gazes towards him.

"Um... Yeah? I have. Why is everyone asking me about that today?"


Ms. NASA, ready to explain, answered quickly, "He really does climb the ranks quickly America. He is really strong, and we're all just curious about whether he'll beat Pangea's Star!"  I hear China snicker in the back of the class. I nodded, how am I supposed to react to everyone wishing upon my downfall? I went to the back of the class to sit next to China, who quickly jabbed me with a "Starboy" whilst I was sitting down. 

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