Chapter 29- Find her!

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It's been 2 minutes since Kelly has made the 911 call. Patrol has just arrived on the scene. One patrol officer is asking Kelly questions while the other is taping off the scene.

PO1- You made a 911 call claiming you thought your wife has been taken.

Kelly: Yes, her name is Stella Severide. Her maiden name is Kidd. She is also a firefighter at firehouse 51.

PO1- What makes you think she was kidnapped?

Kelly: Her crazy ex-husband was at one of the calls she responded yesterday. He has tried to kill her before.

PO1- I hope you don't mind me asking, but is there any possibility she ran away?

Kelly: Are you kidding me right now?!?! My wife was clearly abducted, she would never leave me or our daughter. She loves our daughter with everything she has. Why would you even ask that!

Kelly was on the verge of getting physical with the patrol officer out of anger from the question he asked him, but luckily Jay arrived and pulled Kelly aside.

Jay: Hey! Kelly it's okay, come with me. I have this, thank you officer.

PO1: Who are you?

Jay: Detective Jay Halstead from Intelligence, I have this officer.

Jay walks Kelly away from the patrol officer and over to Hailey.

Jay: Hey listen Kelly we're going to find her, I know how badly you want to find her, but you have to leave this to us. Don't try and do anything stupid.

Kelly: I am not making any promises.

Jay: Fine, what can you tell me about what happened?

Kelly: Stella had offered to take out the trash and went out to the back to take it out. After 5 minutes I got worried about what was taking so long. I went to go check on her and I found her phone on the ground and a small blood splatter on the ground.

Jay: Okay, is there anyone who would want to do this to her?

Kelly: Yeah, her ex-husband Grant. He is a bitch, he tried to kill her years ago and took drugs for many years.

Jay: You have any idea where he might be?

Kelly: No, he was at a facility to get clean last time I heard. Why are you here asking me questions when you should be out there looking for Stella?

Hailey: We are only trying to find out as much information as possible as to where she might be being held.

Kelly: Can you guys do something for me?

Jay: Anything.

Kelly: I need you guys to put Audrey into witness protection. I'm afraid once he finds out about her that he will come back for her. He thinks that Stella is his, he probably wants to create the perfect family and life with her.

Jay: Sure I will take her right away. Want me to have Cindy stay with her? 

Kelly: If she agrees, definitely. 

Jay: Okay.

-at a warehouse-

Stella is slowly waking up. Her head is pounding and she looks at her hand after touching her head and it has blood all over it. She notices that her hands are chained to a pole. She tries to free herself, but it is no use. She hears foot steps and sees Grant walking towards her. He tries to put his hands on Stella's face, but she resists.

Grant: This is on you. If you had just cooperated you wouldn't be in this situation.

Stella: I will never again say that I love you. You are a bastard!

Grant kicks Stella in the side and she moans in pain.

Stella: Why are you doing this?

Grant: You are supposed to be mine. You just abandoned me and went to Kelly.

Stella: You need help Grant, you are not in your right mind.

Grant: Oh no, I can see perfectly now. What don't you say we send a little video to Kelly.

Stella: Please just let me go, I won't tell the cops any information about you.

Grant: Oh that's not going to happen, not this time.

-at the 21st district-

Jay: Kelly I'm sorry man, but you can't stay up here.

Kelly: I'm staying.

Jay: I will let you know if we find anything, I promise.

Kelly: I don't give a damn, I am not going until my wife is found.

Kelly's phone dings. 

Kelly: It's an unknown number, a video is attached.

Jay: Let me see your phone, there is a good chance the video will be hard for you to watch.

Kelly: No, I need to see if she is alive.

Kelly opens the video, he has knots in his stomach as he presses the play button.


Grant: Hey Kelly you remember me? I'm sure you do. I have your wife somewhere you will never find her. She doesn't belong with you she belongs with me. Why don't I show you her.

Grant shows Stella all beat up and bruised.

Stella: Kelly please help me! In case anything happens to me promise me you will always take care of Audrey no matter what, don't let he forget me. Tell her the good stories from when we were dating. Tell her about the date we had with your parents in Springfield with your parents.

Grant: Who the hell is Audrey?

Stella: No one important to you.

Grant: You better tell me.

Stella: It's my daughter, you son of a bitch. If you try to do anything to her I will personally make your life a living hell.

Grant starts to continually kick Stella, and she is now screaming in pain. The video is getting unbearable for Kelly to watch. He can't stand to see his wife being hurt. The video ends shortly after. 

Kelly: Somethings not right.

Kim: What's not right?

Kelly: Stella and I never had a date in Springfield with my parents. We had one date with my parents, but it was here in Chicago.

Kim: Maybe she was trying to tell us something. Can you think of anything that would be significant that either you or her ever mentioned?

Kelly: Actually yes, she once mentioned that Grant's childhood home was in Springfield. 

Kim: That has got to be connected to where she is somehow. She wouldn't mention it if it didn't.

Voight: I want all of you to start looking for any connection to where she might be to either Springfield or his parents. 

Trudy walks upstairs. 

Trudy: Kelly, Matt is downstairs. He wants to talk to you.

Kelly heads down with Trudy and sees Matt in the office. He heads into the office and closes the door.

Casey: Severide I am so sorry, but they will find her. 

Kelly: They better. I need her, and Audrey needs her. I don't want Audrey to grow up without her mom. This is all my fault.

Casey: This is not your fault why would you even think it is?

Kelly: After the grocery store call Stella said she saw Grant across the street. She was in my quarters crying, I told her that I would protect her and I didn't. I gave her my word that I wouldn't let anything happen to her. Maybe if I had just not let her take out the trash she would be fine right now. 

Casey: Don't do that to yourself. The "ifs" will eat you alive if you keep telling yourself that. It is no one's fault except Grant. He is the only one who caused this. Intelligence will find her.

A tear flows down Kelly's face.

Kelly: They better.

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