Chapter 19- Deciding on a Name

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Stella was sitting in on the couch when Kelly walked through the door. He had shift, but Stella didn't get much sleep the night before and figured if she went to shift she would just fall asleep.

Kelly: Hey babe, you get any sleep?

Stella: No, not really. It was weird sleeping without you.

Kelly: I was just about to say the same thing.

Kelly walked over to the couch and kissed Stella on the head. He put down his bag and sat next to Stella. He lied down and had Stella lay on top of him.

Stella: Fair warning, I might be a bit heavy.

Kelly: You are completely fine, you're carrying our baby girl. Just lay with me.

Stella Lays down on top of Kelly.

Kelly: Have you thought about any names yet?

Stella: I have, I think I have a name you'll absolutely love.

Kelly: What it is it?

Stella: Audrey Shay Severide.

Kelly: I love that! You made her middle name after Shay?

Stella: Of course, I know how much she meant to you. I know if she was here right now she would be so damn proud of you. I have only ever heard good things about her and she seems like she is the definition for strength and courage. I thought it would be fitting for our daughter.

Kelly: You know, if she was still here you both would be very good friends. You remind me of her in a lot of ways. You both have this persistence, stubbornness, and the biggest passion for what you do. Thank you, I love you.

Stella: I love you too.

Kelly hugs Stella tighter and kisses her.

Stella: You know I really hate to ruin the moment, but baby Audrey is sitting right on top of my bladder.

Kelly: It's fine go ahead.

Stella gets up and uses the bathroom. She then feels the baby kicking a lot and decides to sit in the unfinished nursery. She sits in the rocking chair, with her hands on her stomach. She starts to sing Audrey a lullaby. Kelly notices that Stella was taking a little long. Then he heard her start to sing. He never heard her sing much, but he absolutely loved when she did because she has the most beautiful singing voice. He stood at the door of the nursery just listening to Stella singing. After a few minutes Stella notices that Kelly was standing by the door.

Stella: Miss Audrey was kicking like I was a punching bag and sometimes when I sing she calms down a little bit. How long were you standing there?

Kelly: Only for a few minutes. Why don't you continue singing, I love it when you sing.

Stella: You do?

Kelly: Of course, you sound like an angel. Your singing is one of the most beautiful things I have heard in my entire life. It is the most perfect sound. No wonder why Audrey calms down when you sing.

Kelly pulls up a chair and sits next to Stella. He goes up to her and gives her a kiss. He then leans down and kisses her baby bump. Stella continues to sing a lullaby and Kelly just listens enjoying each and every moment.

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