Chapter 15- The Talk

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It's been 2 days since Kelly has proposed. They are both sitting on the couch in each other's arms just enjoying each other's presence. 

Stella: Babe?

Kelly: Yeah?

Stella: What do you think about doing the wedding before the baby comes?

Kelly: I think it's a great idea. Then your baby bump can be incorporated as well.

Stella: I just think that 3 of us should all have the same last name from the moment our baby is born.

Kelly: You want to take my last name?

Stella: Of course I do. I want nothing more than to have the last name of the love of my life. I mean think about it just the 3 of us, together all with the same last name.

Kelly: I love it, I love you, I love us.

They kiss.

Stella: Kelly, remember once you marry me there is no going back.

Kelly: Listen, you are the only person that has ever made me feel as happy as I am right now. I couldn't imagine having a family or sharing my life with anyone else. I mean that.

Stella: Good because once you marry me you are stuck with me forever. I think we both know that I am stubborn as hell and wouldn't let you divorce me if you wanted to.

Kelly: I know, but I love your stubbornness, and I would never want to divorce you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Stella: I need you to promise me one thing.

Kelly: Anything you want.

Stella: Just so we can avoid you going back to any of your bad habits, I want us to promise each other never to keep secrets from each other. Even if we think we might be protecting each other. I think a new thing we should do is after shift or anything big that happens we talk it out. We don't shut each other out ever, even in the hardest times. Whether it was a really good day or a tough one. Even mention the little details, and the ones you think don't matter. And most importantly to always trust each other.

Kelly: I love the idea and I promise to. Always.

Stella: Always.

Kelly: I love you.

Stella: I love you too.

Author's note- Sorry the chapter was short today, I had a lot of things going on. I will try and make the next chapter longer tomorrow.

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