Chapter 4- Recovery

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General POV: 

Stella spent the night with Kelly, they ended up sleeping the the same position they fell asleep in all night. 

-the morning after the accident-

Dr. Halstead knocks on the door and walks into Kelly's room. Stella was woken up by the knock and got startled.

Dr. Halstead: Sorry I scared you I just wanted to check in to make sure his BP and oxygen levels were normal. I also just wanted to check to see what his pain level currently is.

Stella: It's okay don't worry about it, and that sounds good. Let me just wake Kelly up so you can check his pain level. Kelly, wake up. The doctor wants to see what your pain level is.

Kelly starts to slowly stir awake. He winces in pain.

Stella: Kelly are you alright?

Kelly: I am fine, my incision and my head just hurts a little bit.

Dr. Halstead: Well, that is to be expected. What is your pain level on a scale from 1 to 10?

Kelly: Probably about a 7.

Dr. Halstead: I am going to up the morphine a little bit and come back to check on you in an hour.

Stella starts to tear up a little bit and Kelly looks over at her and notices.

Kelly: Stella are you okay?

Stella: I am fine, did I hurt you last night when I slept next to you? I would hate to think I caused you more pain.

Kelly: No you did not, if anything you helped take some of the pain away. It comforts me when I know you are sitting next to me.

Stella: Do you promise?

Kelly: I promise. Stella?

Stella: Yes, babe?

Kelly: I love you, you know that right?

Stella: I know, I love you too.

Stella kisses Kelly on the lips and they relax together, comforting each other.

-2 weeks later-

Dr. Halstead: Your concussion looks like it has healed for the most part, and your incision is healing very nicely. Once you get out your stitches in 4 days, you can start physical therapy to regain you mobility. Here are your discharge papers. 

Kelly: Thanks, I'll come back in 4 days to get these stitches out.

Dr. Halstead: Make sure to rest, and be careful how much you move your neck.

Stella: Don't worry he will, I'll make sure he does.

Dr. Halstead: You are good to go, and Kelly?

Kelly: Yes?

Dr. Halstead: Let's not meet like this again.

Kelly: I will try.

Kelly is helped into a wheelchair and a nurse pushes him to Stella's car. Stella brings their bags and opens the passenger car door. Stella and the nurse help Kelly into the car and then Stella puts the bags and Kelly's wheelchair in the trunk/backseat.

-in the car-

Stella: Let's get you home.

Kelly: That sounds perfect.

They hold hands until they get home. Stella helps Kelly into his wheelchair and wheels him into their apartment. Stella opens the door and they see a big sign that reads "WELCOME HOME!". 

Stella: Wow this is so sweet, I wonder who set this up, because I didn't.

Kelly: Maybe Casey let Brett in and she set this up. It looks like something she would set up.

Stella: Yeah, probably. Let me help you on the couch so you can rest.

Stella helps Kelly onto the couch and she sits beside him. She leans her head on his shoulders.

Stella: I know I have said this a lot recently but, I am so glad you are okay.

Kelly: I am too. I love you Stella.

Stella: I love you too.

They kiss and end up falling asleep cuddling on the couch.

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