Chapter 17: It's a....

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-Stella is now 20 weeks pregnant-

Stella is sleeping when Kelly runs into the room.

Kelly: Babe! Wake up! We finally get to find out the gender today.

Stella: Well someone is excited.

Kelly: Well aren't you?

Stella: Of course I am, now I can finally call our baby a he or she. Also what gender do you want the baby to be?

Kelly: I'm happy with either one, as long as the baby is born healthy.

Stella: Really?

Kelly: Of course.

Stella: Good, well let's go find out what the little bean's gender is.

 Kelly walks over to Stella and puts his hand on her baby bump, which is growing bigger each week.

Kelly: We love you bean, we can't wait to meet you.

After they head straight over to med, and check in with Maggie.

Kelly: Hey Maggie, we have an appointment with Manning. Could you possibly page her?

Maggie: Yeah, of course. How are you doing Stella?

Stella: I'm doing better, I'm in the second trimester and the morning sickness finally stopped.

Maggie: That's great, Manning is coming she will be here in a second.

Kelly: Thanks Maggie.

Maggie: Don't mention it.

Manning: Hey why don't the two of you follow me back to room 6.

They all head to room 6 and Stella sits on the table and lays back. She lifts up her shirt and extends out her hand. Kelly immediately goes over to her and holds her hand. He then kisses her on the head.

Manning: Are we finding out the gender today?

Stella: We sure are!

Manning: Okay great, so let's start the ultrasound.

Manning is moving around the wand on Stella's stomach. Manning continues for another minute.

Manning: Okay as you can see the baby has all 10 of it's fingers, and all 10 of it's toes. Your baby also has a very strong heart beat. You ready for me to tell you the gender? Any guesses?

Stella: I think it's a girl.

Kelly: I think it's a boy.

Manning: Well, your baby is a....GIRL!

Kelly kisses Stella on the lips, and put his head against her head. They both have tears in their eyes.

Kelly: We're having a girl.

Stella: We're having a girl.

Kelly: I can't explain how happy I am right now, I love you.

Stella: I love you too.

They kiss.

Stella: I bet you that she will most definitely be the biggest daddy's girl.

Kelly: You think?

Stella: Oh I know, I mean who wouldn't.

Manning: Well let me print out your sonograms and then you two can head home.

Kelly: Thanks.

They head straight home. Stella hangs the sonograms on the fridge and sits on the couch. Kelly is grabbing something from the fridge when he hears Stella yell his name.

Kelly: Are you okay? Is our girl okay?

Stella: We're both fine actually more than fine, come sit. Let me show you something.

Stella placed Kelly's hand on her stomach, and gently pressed his finger down. Kelly then felt his baby girl kick for the first time.

Kelly: Did our girl just kick?

Stella: She sure did.

Kelly: Oh my god she did it again!

Stella: Isn't that such a good feeling?

Kelly: It sure is.

They spend the rest of the day sitting on the couch in complete awe and they are both just mesmerized by their girl. 

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