💖 part-7 💖

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**jin pov**

Jin: ok guys let's go it's already getting late.

Tae: yes hyung.. After a long time iam being excited.

(He said with full of excitement.. Showing his boxy smile which I noticed after so long years)

Jk: iam ready hyung.. Let's go, others must be waiting for us.

Jin: yes, wait a minute where is jimin?

Tae: as always he is late... Let me bring him.

Jimin: no need iam here only..

(He said coming from up stairs.. With that lazy steps, and I know he would be in whole mood once he step out of here.)

Tae: you are again late jimin... Aish let's go now.

(We all went to car and started to reach the goal ...we all are excited but iam very confused, scared and worried...i wish y/n was here with me..to make me relax..I miss her so much..

All our team moved out for a blast practice in the very big platform of  𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚖𝚢.. We are nominated for Grammy Awards for the recent song "𝘿𝙮𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙚"... In this 13 years of our debut we never thought we can hit the Grammy, Not even in dreams..

But yoongi he want to chase his dream till he get what he want..i was shocked when yoongi told that he want to get Grammy..whatever confidence he was holding it was really a huge, because of it the final  result is here..... But somewhere we all are nervous, scared to face the award..

Namjoon always keep on encouraging us to do the best ..i know he himself is nervous then too he . stumped his nervous in the process of cheering his team up.. He told us to face the fate if it's good or bad..he is right tho it's our first nomination and why don't we just take it easy?

Teahyung was as usually a normal guy who don't gave any little interest on it.. It's not like he gave up on trying.. But he was like a wall Which doesn't seems to effect when season changes.. He is just excited to see Army for reall.. I wish I could be like him.

And about jimin, jungkook, and hope.. They are serious about it, jimin is having huge expectation, jungkook is believing in everyone's hard work, hope he always been strict and study even it's a small show, then its a very big dream how it is not possible that he will be cool .. He is the most hard worker among us. Thinking all these I don't even notice that we reached our place.. Taking our belonging we went inside.

As soon as we stepped in we are invited with busy and tensed joon and suga...

Taehyung: what happened to them.?

Jimin: how do we know?.. We just arrived here.

Jungkook: I think pd appa didn't bring my banana milk.. That's why they are tensed..

Jimin: what? Yeah are you even really..i think Namjoon hyung broken something now.

Taehyung: guys,may be they must me worried about us?

Jin: shut up you all now.

(I spotted hope sitting on chair facing his back to me.. So I went towards him, to ask about this hurry mates ...)

Jin: hobi !!!

J-Hope: oh.. Hyung you are here?

Taehyung:yes we are here hyung, but what happened to them?

J-Hope: about that , i also don't know..i even tried to ask them but they are being weird.. And especially suga if I ask him one more time he will definitely make my ears bleed..

when he visit "Tajmahal" (kim Seokjin ff) {Completed}✅Where stories live. Discover now