16 | babysitter

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"No, they're both at work." I tell him and he groans, throwing his head back agitatedly. "Uh.. is everything okay?" I ask and he looks back at me, shaking his head.

"Not really. The hospital just called and they need me in for an emergency surgery, and my babysitter can't make it. I have no one to watch August." He explains and I watch as he continues to grow panicked at the situation he's in.

He turns around when suddenly he stops, slowly turning back around towards me. "Thea," he says in a tone that I really don't like the sound of.

My eyes widen and I shake my head. "No, nuh-uh, no way." I dismiss his thoughts and he smiles sheepishly at me, almost pleading that I agree.

"Come on, it's only for a few hours. Please? I'll owe you." He pleads and I groan, my nose scrunching at the thoughts of actually accepting his offer.

"I've never looked after a baby in my life. I wouldn't even know what to do." I explain and he walks over to me, handing me his baby.

"Just don't drop him, if he cries then feed him or play with him, change his diaper if it's dirty. Google it if you have to, that's what I have to do sometimes." He says and I stare at August as he smiles at me, his hands wailing and tapping my face.

Grey places the large backpack which I can only imagine is full of August's things, onto the worktop and places a kiss on the top of his head.

"He has food in his bag, diapers, spare clothes, some milk in case he gets tired and a few toys too." Grey says and I can't even process what's going on because everything is just happening too quickly.

"I also brought his car seat so if you want to take him out, you can. It's in the foyer." He adds and I glance up at him, my eyes still wide. "Love you little cousin, you're the best." He smiles gratefully, picking up his work bag and waving to August before leaving.

The front door closes and I purse my lips, my eyes flicking back down to the small human in my arms as he babbles to himself.

How on earth do I get myself into these situations?

"What am I supposed to do with you?" I ask him and his bright blue eyes land on mine, his chubby cheeks raising into a cute little grin.

Titan walks into the room and stops in his tracks when he spots August. "Ha, I'm definitely going to school now. Good luck." He cackles as he quickly leaves the kitchen before I can say anything else.

I stand up with August and furrow my brows at him. "Can you walk or something?" I ask and he gurgles at me, throwing his arms forward repeatedly.

How am I expected to know what age a child learns to walk at? I don't exactly remember taking my first steps.

Deciding to give it a try, I place him on the floor and try to stand him up, making sure to support him in case he actually falls down.

Rex suddenly appears out of literal thin air and I quickly pick August back up, not wanting him to get scared.

I remember seeing somewhere online that it's best to introduce your pet to a baby as soon as possible, but Rex has never been around babies before so where does that leave me? Do I just put August down and allow Rex to sniff him and do whatever dogs actually do?

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