Chapter 15

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After what felt like hours, the Avengers piled out of the meeting room. Sabrina caught up with Nat and Wanda, who were deep in conversation. "What was that about?" She asked them. Nat sighed. "Mission to go capture the rest of the Winter Soldiers." Sabrina raised an eyebrow. "Really?" Wanda nodded. "And yes, it's all about Bucky." Sabrina rolled her eyes. "Remind me why I decided to be friends with the mindreader," she said with a laugh as she walked into the meeting room. "Oh! I was just going to get FRIDAY to call you. You're coming on the next mission with us." Tony said, pointing at her. Sabrina raised an eyebrow. "What?" She had never gone on a mission before. "Yeah. I think Bucky will need you to be there," he said. Sabrina tilted her head. "What happened to Mr. 'Stay Away from Him Sabrina'?" Tony rolled his eyes. "The Winter Soldier happened. He's more valuable than I thought," Tony said, walking out of the room. "So, when is the mission?" Sabrina asked, following him. "In 2 weeks." "2 weeks? You don't think that that's a bit too soon for Bucky?" Tony shook his head. "Maybe, but we can't wait any longer." Sabrina nodded. "But what will I be doing? I've done training, but not training. Am I just going to sit in the helicopter or something?" She asked Tony, who stopped walking. "Good point. Maybe. Actually, yes. You and Bucky will stay in the helicopter and he will guide us through the mics and cameras." Tony called as he walked into the kitchen. Sabrina sighed. "FRIDAY, where is Bucky?" She asked. "Bucky Barnes is on the 24th floor." Sabrina nodded and took the elevator upstairs.

Sabrina looked around. "Bucky?" She called, peering into all of the rooms. No response. She sighed and walked into her room. She saw him sat on her window seat. "Hey," she said softly, sitting next to him. He looked over at her. "I heard about your big mission," she said with a smile. He nodded. "You're not coming?" He asked. She shook her head. "I am, actually." Bucky raised an eyebrow. Sabrina laughed softly. "I know. I was surprised too. Apparently we're staying in the helicopter." Bucky tilted his head. "You're going to guide them through mics and cameras. Lucky for you, I am kind of an expert in that field." She said with a smile. Bucky smiled weakly. Sabrina rested her head against his shoulder. "It's ok to be nervous," she whispered. Bucky looked at her. "It's my first mission," he whispered. "Mine too," Sabrina said with a soft smile. Bucky tilted Sabrina's chin towards him and stared into her eyes. "I love you Sabrina," he whispered. Sabrina's eyes widened. "Really?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper. He nodded. "At least I think love is what it is. That's what Steve said," he said. Sabrina smiled. "I love you too Bucky," she whispered. Bucky smiled and pulled her towards him, pulling her in for a kiss. She smiled as she kissed back. When they separated, Bucky scooped her up into his arms and spun her around. She squealed with laughter as she held on. She had never seen this side to Bucky. She didn't think that there was this side to Bucky. Steve smiled softly as he watched them through the window and walked off down the hall. He had never seen this side to Bucky either. Bucky laughed and kissed her on the cheek. Sabrina smiled widely as she stared up at him. His eyes lit up now, some of the pain had vanished from them. Sabrina smiled as they kissed again. She felt safest in his arms, the place she thought she would feel the most dangerous.

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