Chapter 4

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Sabrina yawned as she walked downstairs. She was finally after programming FRIDAY to recognise Bucky. Just as she was about to make some tea, she heard the doors burst open. She walked slowly out and saw the Avengers pile in. They looked exhausted. "What happened?" She said, quickening her pace. "Did you get him?" Tony looked back and Sabrina followed his gaze. A very tired Steve was carrying a man, who Sabrina presumed was Bucky. He was asleep. "Not asleep. Sedated." Wanda said, reading Sabrina's mind. Sabrina nodded and stood next to Tony, who wrapped an arm around her. Steve sighed and walked past them all, towards the elevator. "FRIDAY, what floor is Bucky's room on?" Steve called. "24." FRIDAY's automated voice replied. Sabrina looked at Tony. "24?" Tony sighed. "I know. The door will be locked. He won't come near you." Sabrina nodded and watched as Steve walked into the elevator. She still hadn't gotten a look at Bucky.

Thor trudged heavily into the kitchen and opened the freezer. He took out a tub of ice-cream and collapsed onto the couch, spooning hefty spoonfuls of it into his mouth as he did so. The rest of the Avengers either went to their rooms or went to the kitchen to look for food. Sabrina stood back and watched everyone silently move around. Nobody was talking. She followed Wanda out of the kitchen. "Wanda. What happened?" She asked, standing next to her in the elevator. Wanda shrugged. "We got him, but HYDRA put up a good fight." Sabrina nodded. She knew that she wouldn't get anything else out of her. "Yup," Wanda said, once again reading her mind. "Goodnight Sabrina," she said as the elevator door slid open on her floor. "Night." Sabrina said with a sigh.

Sabrina couldn't sleep. She kept tossing and turning; her thoughts keeping her awake. Suddenly, she heard a scream. She sat up and walked slowly out of her room, following the noise. A banging started coming from one of the rooms. "Bucky," she whispered to herself. She slowly walked over to the room the noise was coming from, glancing over her shoulder to make sure that nobody else was around. She peered in the window, but the room was just darkness. Suddenly, a face appeared. Sabrina jumped back. She squinted, trying to make out what the face looked like. She couldn't see too clearly, so she turned on a light. She stared in the window and the most beautiful man she had ever seen was revealed to her. The screaming stopped. He had a long mop of dark, brown hair and some stubble around his defined jawline. He had steely, blue eyes, which were full of pain. Bucky stared at Sabrina, his eyes darting around her face. She had dark, brown eyes and pale skin. Her long, blonde hair reached her shoulders. Sabrina glanced over her shoulder before she slowly walked towards the window. She gently placed her hand against the cold glass. Bucky stared down at her hand. He was confused as to what was happening and what he was feeling. He shook his head and began to back away. The screaming started again and Sabrina didn't know what to do. She turned off the light and ran up the stairs to Steve's room. "Steve," she said, knocking on his door. No answer. "Steve," she said again, louder this time. She heard some movement from behind the door and looked up as Steve opened it. "What?" She sighed. "It's Bucky."

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