The next morning at breakfast, Galaxy kept an eye on her sister, making sure her mental state was stable enough for going to school. Rosie noticed their stares, but was too tired out to care, so she just kept munching on the cereal in her bowl half listening to their conversation. 

When it was time to leave she stood up and walked out without saying anything to the others. Galaxy watched her leave before turning to her friends, “Watch out for her today, she’s still a bit unstable. If something happens call me immediately.” 

The group nods before walking out the door to their cars. Rosie’s is already gone, so the other 3 rush to catch up, not wanting to leave her alone for too long. When the crew reaches the school, everyone is staring at them, like always. The group got there right as the bell to go to class rang, taking all of the attention off of them. 

When they walked in late to the classroom, the teacher glared harshly at the crew, waiting for them to sit down. Rosie glared right back, making the teacher flinch and look astonished at the sweet girl whose demeanor has completely changed. The rest of the class stares out of the corner of their eyes, but turns back to the front at seeing Rosie’s anger. 

Once they have sat at the back of the classroom, the teacher continues with the lesson, but no one is paying attention. All of their minds are trying to figure out what happened to make Rosie act so angry this morning.  

As the day went on her mood kept getting worse and worse, eventually she walks out during class. The other three look at each other before Ruby gets up to follow. Thea and Stacy watch her leave knowing all of them would overwhelm Rosie.

When Ruby manages to catch up to Rosie, she’s slamming her car door closed so Ruby jumps inside. When Ruby sees the glare shot her way, she puts her hands up in surrender. “I thought you’d want a place to calm down a bit and let out all of your emotions without hurting anybody.” At Rosie’s signal she continues, “Just follow me,” she says jumping out of the passenger seat and into her own car.

As they speed through the empty streets, Rosie begins to recognize the route they are taking, but doesn’t quite realize their destination before pulling over in front of the gym for Electra employees only. 

“Now I know that you spent a lot of yesterday in the gym fighting G or running, but I think you need the feel of a gun in your hand and a target in your sights.” 

A sigh escapes Rosie’s lips, knowing that her favorite weapon will soon be in her hands again. She gives a small smile to Ruby, her first time smiling today. 

The pair walks in with their badges signifying employment on. The entire facility is fully automated, so there are no pesky guards questioning the 13 year olds. 

"She even put in a sniper range!" Rosie runs over to the birds eye view, her face almost splitting in sheer happiness. She picks up the rifle from the wall of guns, before going back to the sniper spot. Positioning herself, she tells Ruby to stay back as she shoots at the target on the other side of the range.

Ruby slightly glares at her before picking up her own gun and turning around. They had locked everyone else out of the range so she stayed at the wall taking aim. 

They spent several hours shooting at the targets before Rosie had felt calm enough to even think about returning home. Rosie used most of the ammo in the building, but she isn't too worried the system had ordered more already. 

When the pair returns to the dysfunctional family's mansion, Rosie is immediately engulfed in a hug by Mark who hadn't been home yesterday to witness any of her breakdown. Galaxy stands off to the side with her normal blank face, but when she makes eye contact with Ruby she mouths a thank you. 

"Alright sibling meeting, now!" Mark declares walking away to his office. 

Rosie looks sheepishly at Ruby before rushing down the hallway after Mark. Galaxy looks back at Ruby one more time before whispering, "fuck it," and turns around to hug Ruby saying "Thank you" again before following her siblings slowly, making a quick pit stop to get Jace. 

After Galaxy and Jace make it to his office, Mark shuts the door and pulls out his frequency jammer to make sure that no one can hear anything, not even his own men. "Well I think it's time to talk seriously about leaving." He starts. 

Jace looks around confused trying to make eye contact with any of his siblings, but when he can't he stomps his foot. "What do you mean leaving? We've lived here our entire lives!"

Galaxy lets her Mama bear slightly out and sits down on the floor in front of Jace, "Well you see, Mother and Father have hurt us very much, and we don't want to see each other hurt anymore, so we want to leave."

"Are you going to leave me behind," he asks, tears forming in his eyes. 

Rosie sits down next to Jace, pulling him into a hug, "We would never leave you unless you wanted to stay. Do you want to stay with Mother and Father?" 

Jace shakes his head really fast, so Mark crouches down too, "Why don't you want to stay with them buddy?"

He looks down with tears forming in his eyes, "They hurt you! I don't want to stay with people who hurt you!" When he finishes he looks up at Mark. 

The girls are slightly jealous, slightly awwing at the moment between the brothers, but Galaxy decides to interrupt it, "Ok so he wants to come with us, but where are we going? Are we going to my place, a new city, a new country?

Mark gets up and starts pacing around thinking, "I think you and I need to pay Jackson a visit before we make that decision." 

Galaxy's face lights up like a christmas tree, "You mean it's finally time!" Mark nods in reply. "Yaaassss, how evil am I allowed to go?"

Rosie looks into the sadistic face of her sister, "I limit you to a 4, we need him alive still and then a normal death."

Galaxy's face drops slightly, "Only a 4, I could keep him alive at a 6," she whines. 

"No you can't, honestly a 4 is pushing your limit for not killing." Rosie replies, staring her sister down.

Galaxy sighs in surrender, while Jace watches the whole exchange from next to Rosie. "How long do you think it should take?" Rosie asks her big brother. 

"Oh give us a week, in case he is an idiot and doesn't sign when we ask." Galaxy says nonchalantly, but the glint of hope in her eyes says that she wants him to say no.

Mark announces, "Then it's settled, we can figure out everything after we talk with Jackson." They all nod and head separate ways.

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