(Late) Easter Special

Start from the beginning

Donnie had seen the bags on the floor and was trying to mess with the one that held four giant specifically colored Easter egg baskets. I quickly pulled the bag away and tucked it away by my feet as I looked the four curious teens over.

"Okay, guys. No more touching. I have a surprise for you." I announced as I shooed them all away, back towards the living room. They slunk away and I followed, glancing around for good hiding places. I doubted the hunt would last very long though; they were ninja after all. What could they miss with their eyes?

"I have a pizza hidden in the sewers somewhere. Now, I'll just say that it's not too far off course going up to the surface, so get to it before the rats do." Immediately, they all began racing for the lair entrance, Raph trying to trip his brothers to get out first.

"Hey, that's cheating!" Mikey screamed as he raced after his brothers, having been the last one out. I chuckled at their antics and made my way back over to the kitchen, hurriedly grabbing the eggs and racing back over to the entrance. I began there, dropping eggs whenever there was a good spot, and even just in an open space so it'd be a little easier for them.

Ten minutes later, all the eggs were hidden. I had put some everywhere; the dojo, their bedrooms, the kitchen, and even a few on top of the cool wood thing that hung from the middle of the living room.

Five minutes later, the turtles returned.

"Well, the rats got to it first." Leo remarked tiredly as he slouched into the lair, yawning. Raph followed him in, laughing slightly.

"Yeah, you missed Mikey fighting with a rat over the last piece." Just then, Mikey slumped in, rubbing his stomach, as Donnie jogged in behind him, looking oddly energetic.

"What's going on here?" I heard Leo ask as he finally noticed an egg in the corner, hidden under his Space Heroes game. Raph, Donnie, and Mikey did the same and finally confirmed the same, looking at me suspiciously.

"An Easter egg hunt!" I exclaimed as I threw my arms out, expecting some sort of response. Instead, Leo, Raph, and Mikey just stared at me in confusion as Donnie slowly raised his arms in the same pose as me, smiling sheepishly.

"It's where you hunt for hidden eggs and whoever finds the most gets the golden egg." They just stared at me some more. I sighed again. "The golden egg has a surprise in it." They immediately began shouting and leaping in joy, being such boys.

"So, what do we do? Just grab a bunch of eggs?" I shook my head at Raph's eagerness and held a finger up as I jogged back to the kitchen, grabbing the giant bag with huge baskets in it. "Ta-da!" I revealed as I gave them each their baskets, completely color coordinated with their masks.

"What are those?" Mikey demanded seriously as I closed the bag. He was pointing to a different bag, one that I had brought last minute.

"Uh, stickers." I said hesitantly as I watched him purse his lips and hold his hand out. I raised my eyebrows and handed them over, watching with a smile on my face as he ripped them open and gave each of his brothers a sheet of stickers, them eagerly pulling off the page. Who would've thought that the turtles liked stickers so much?

Another five minutes passed and they were finally ready, baskets decorated and eyes lurking around for easy-picking eggs.

"Now, the eggs are hidden everywhere except outside the lair, the bathroom, Splinter's room, and Donnie's lab." He sent me a grateful look and I nodded, a smile on my face. "Are there an questions?" Mikey's hand went up and I giggled at how adorable he looked with one hand up in the air, the other clutching a large basket, and a serious look on his face. "Yes, Mikey?"

"What about those other eggs?" He pointed to two cartons of eggs that I hadn't opened at all yet. I just smiled.

"Patience. Now, if that's all, let's begin. Ready? Set, go!"

"Hey, you stole my egg!" Mikey whined as Leo did exactly that, leaping over him to escape. He just stuck his tongue out childishly and continued on.

"Hey, hey!" Leo sent a warning glance at Raph, who huffed and ran off. He was trying to steal eggs from Leo's basket when he wasn't looking.

"Donnie, no inventions." I said as I held my hand out. He sighed and gave me a pair of goggles that would allow him to see the eggs easier. "And when did you even have time to build these?"

"Raph, no." I said sternly and he gave me a blank look.

"I wasn't even doing anything."

"Okay, I think that's all of them. Are you ready to start counting?" The boys quickly grabbed their baskets and went off to different corners of the lair, not wanting to get their eggs mixed up with someone else's. I waited patiently on the couch with the golden egg in hand, the cartons of eggs on the couch beside me as I looked through the pictures I had taken of the boys on my phone.

"I have twelve!" Mikey hollered from the kitchen. I gave him a thumbs up and be began shoveling the eggs back into his basket, making his way over to me. He sat by my feet and waited, eyeing the golden egg.

"Twelve!" Raph shouted as he also walked over to me, setting himself down by Mikey.

"Twelve." Leo said as he came up behind me, leaping over the couch to sit on Mikey's other side.

"What do we do since we all have the same number of eggs?" Leo wondered, looking up at me. I just smiled, shrugging.

"Thirteen!" We suddenly heard Donnie's shout from the dojo as he raced over to us, basket in hand. "I have thirteen." Leo, Mikey, and Raph all groaned and threw their heads back as Donnie sat himself down by Raph, looking at me as the others quieted down.

"Then that means that Donnie wins." I cheered as I held the egg out to Donnie. "The golden egg. Just look inside first." I pointed to a hole in the top of the egg and he nodded, doing so as I quietly opened the carton, taking out an egg.

"There's nothing in-" I suddenly smashed the egg on top of his head, giggling as confetti slid down his body. The other turtles began laughing madly as I quickly snapped a picture, smiling innocently at Donnie as he gave the egg back.

"What are those?" Mikey asked in wonder as he stared at the eggs, probably already forming plans.

"These," I handed a carton to him and Leo and another to Raph and Donnie, "Are confetti eggs. You smash them on people to get confetti on them. People do it all the time. I still have some in my hair from last night." I laughed as they immediately stood up and began running around, doing war with each other.

I took out my phone and took pictures, making sure to capture the precious moment.

i have 503 stories in my library and 30% of them are lloyd garmadon. i will not be taking questions at this time.

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