Chapter 1: prologue

Start from the beginning

"This land does not look like Mexico either." a border guard said while looking around at what happened to the borders. the environment yet looks strange and there are many foreign plants that they saw along with the hill and the soil color of this new environment right in their own eyes, yet this is not something unusual that they see in their lifetime. 

"Yeah, where the hell did this anomaly did bring us anyways. looks like the environment is yet different and the soil looks like it was from planet mars." another border guard replied, while he looks around the environment. the environment truly doesn't look like it was Mexico either, it was a strange alien planet.

Suddenly a lizard-like creature begins to walk through. the border guard looking at it looks confused on how the hell did that thing run faster, than an average animal on earth either. this yet shocked the border guard while they are looking at this strange creature.

"What the hell is that thing? it looks like it runs very faster than a cheetah" said the border guard while looking at how this creature runs so fast, it has 6 legs in total, and its height around 2 meters which is the height of a dog. this animal yet runs in a circle and begins to stare at the border guard and it begins to sit after running in a circle around 2 times.

 this animal yet runs in a circle and begins to stare at the border guard and it begins to sit after running in a circle around 2 times

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(This is how the animal looks like, it has 6 legs and its diet is an omnivore, this creature's height is around 2 meters.)

"Somehow that animal seems to be cute. maybe should we grab that thing for the rest to see and for research?" the guard suggested while looking at that animal which acts like a dog in front of the border guards, which fascinated him seeing this animal behavior.

"Probably not. take a look at how fast that creature goes. do you think we could run with our legged at that speed? we would be exhausted on chasing that thing with our legged, plus we don't have any dart rifle to capture that thing, seeing how fast that thing goes in our own two eyes, that would mean we could least try taming it if possible then since that thing behaves like a literal dog." the other border guard explained on how capturing that animal is a bad idea because and giving an idea on taming it could do, so they could bring their discovery on what happens to Mexico border since there is a change in the environment.

"Well, then let's try taming this creature then. once that thing is tamed then we could bring this creature to the scientist for research or government since this anomaly truly brings us to a whole new different world." the other border guard said as he begins to try on taming the creature and then bring it to the government for discovery that they managed to get.

In the former US-Mexico border, some border guards managed to take pictures of this new environment, along with other people that are still there, which the confusion on seeing how things are changed on the border, as they no longer see Mexico. but a strange environment that the soil resembles the land from planet mars, along with orange grass and foreign types of plants that people saw in their eyes that looks like it doesn't even exist on planet Earth. with this new environment, some begin exploring on their own but the border guards stopped them as this foreign environment might have danger lurking around.

There are many photos and videos were taken, but the internet is down. so there is no signal for them to access the internet to post their finding on social media for the rest of the people in the US would know what they have found after this strange anomaly happened in their country.

Northern border, formerly known as the US-Canada border.

1440 hours

Meanwhile on the northern border, which is formerly known as the US-Canada border has changed a bit. with the border guard ended up seeing Alaska connected in the western side of the northern borders. which put yet more confusion for the border guards along with people near it who begin to see it was Alaska that got connected towards it, instead of Canada.

"How in the world that Alaska ended up near this border? It's supposed to be Canada, not Alaska" a border guard said as he looks at the sign that is "Welcome to Alaska" from the border itself, along with an environment that reminded him of Alaska. which marked that Canada is gone from the map this also confused many too.

"How did Alaska end up here?"

"What on earth has happened to this country's border?"

"Where did Canada go? are they gone from the map?"

Even border guards and everyone in the borders take pictures of the aftermath of the anomaly that affects the entirety of the USA.

Many reactions come from people on seeing the former US-Canada border has changed. On the east side, it was nothing more than an ocean, which there is nothing yet but the vastness of the ocean on what people had seen. they cannot believe what they have been seeing straight in their own eyes what just happen. while on the west side of the Northern border is where Alaska ended up residing, after this whole anomaly.

Now the United States of America is in a whole new world. a different world, where they are now is in some sort of habitable planet, and yet they just don't know that they were transported to an alternate of the far future of their galaxy, where later on they will encounter any native sentient species along with much more for them to explore in this planet. this planet itself has many wonders and the US will explore this whole new world and claim its untouched resource that was not yet taken by the natives and sustain themselves.

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