The Dragon's son Part 7

Start from the beginning

"We can't let Ais do this Gareth, we can't let her carry this burden" Finn said, "as captain I must do this, even if they hate me after"

"I'm guessing you plan on killing me?" Bell asked as he kicked Bete back to Finn. Gareth ran over to Bete and lifted him up.

"Captain! You lied! You said that we were going to save him!" Bete yelled out as he tried to get out of Gareth's hold, "you said that he was still in there!"

"I'm sorry Bete" Finn said, "I thought about it, I really did, but you heard Fels. It's either him or Orario" Finn gripped his spear harder, "trust me this is a hard decision to make, Bell was my friend too. It saddens me that I must do this"

Bete had no words, he just stood there emotionlessly, he got flashbacks from when he would tease and make fun of Bell. What was it all for? Was it just because he was jealous of Bell.

"Look kid, I don't like the idea of doing this either, so I understand what you have to go through" Gareth reassured as he put a hand on Bete, but Bete brushed it off.

"Don't give me your damn pity!" Bete yelled out, "you say you understand me but you don't have a damn clue how I feel!" He punched the wall in frustration, "if I turned evil I know the brat would save me even if it killed him. If anyone turned evil then I know that he would save them, we can't just give up on him!"

"Bete, you have to understand I'm doing this for Orario" Finn said.

"Orario? The same city that turned their backs on someone as soon as they found out Bell is a monster?" Bete said, "that person standing right there is our friend! And he needs our help whether he wants it or not"

They heard clapping and saw Bell with a grin on his face, "I hate to disturb this but I came here for a god, not some dramatic stuff, so if you'll excuse me, I must go. I failed so looks like father would be mad" he attempted to walk out was stopped by Finn.

"Bell, I won't let you escape" Finn said, "not when I can save Orario"

"This again?" Bell asked, "here I'll make it easier" Bell took the spear and aimed it right at his heart, "you can end it all right here, all you need is one push"

Finn was shaking, he was talking about saving Orario so why couldn't he do it? His body just didn't seem to move.

"Pathetic, you just missed your first and only chance you'll get to kill me" Bell said as he pushed the spear away, "remember this. I could have killed you where you stand, be grateful you get to live another miserable day" he then exited leaving Finn still frozen from shock.

Bell exited the city and was dragged through a portal. He was met by an angry dragon.

"Bell, where is Apollo?" The dragon asked, he was furious but would like to hear Bell's excuse first.

"I couldn't find him, it was a trap" Bell said, "If I had more time then I could have found him"

"I gave you more then enough time" The dragon said, "was I wrong to send you to this mission?"

"No" Bell replied

"Very well, I'll let you go for now, never fail me again" the dragon said. Bell nodded and walked away with a feeling of disappointment in him.

Third Person POV
Finn, Bete and Gareth left and made their way back to the Twilight manor, when they entered they saw a group of people chatting.

"Finn? Where were you?" Welf was the first one to speak in the group, Ais stepped out of the group and slapped Finn.

"You lied!" Ais said, "you told me that we would bring him back!"

"A..Ais why did you hit the Captain!?" Tione yelled as she pulled Ais back.

"I did it because he was planning to kill Bell!" Ais yelled out, "I heard him talking to Fels"

"Finn is this true?" Riveria asked, she didn't want to believe it but with everything happening now anything could be possible.

"It's true" Bete said, "we went to the trap that Fels made, the trap was made to kill him but he broke out so we had to try to hold him down until we got more help"

Everyone began to bombard Finn with questions but he didn't have the answers, he was unsure of what their next move should be. Was he still fit to be captain? A captain is supposed to inform their members but he went against his own ideals, it was selfish of him to make this decision on his own. Finn just walked passed them and went to his room and locked the door, he needed time and space to think.

AN: how was it? Will Finn realize his mistake? Will Ais forgive them? But most of all, what would have happened to Bell if he failed again? Anyways see you on the next one!

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