I glanced up from the records and I see someone quite familiar just a few shelves away from me. Wait a second, is that- Jamie? What's he doing here? "Wait- Maria, look! It's him! It's him! Look!" I exclaimed to her, obviously whispering and tugging on her arm. "Damn it, Nico could you calm down?" She said, loud enough for Jamie to hear my name. "Crap he heard you say my name! What are we gonna do now? He's gonna think we're stalking him!" I whispered to her. As soon as Jamie heard my name he glanced to us. Damn it!

"H- hi Nico uh..." He says shyly, walking up to us. Great, what am I supposed to do now? He's here, right in front of me. "Hi.." I say back at him shyly. He looks quite attractive with that sweatshirt on. Wait, what?-

My thoughts were cut off when Maria spoke. "Oh, are you Jamie? Nico was just talking to me about you!" She exclaimed flailing her arms in the air excitedly. "It's so nice to meet you!" She adds. Thanks a lot, Maria. "I- it's nice to meet you too!" He says back at Maria, then looks at me with an arched brow. He looked quite amused that we were talking about him. Crap.

"Well uh- we're actually gonna go now so....uh- bye!" I say to Jamie while walking out of the store, dragging Maria with me. "H- hey what was that!" She exclaimed. Damn it, this is so embarassing. I drag her to the side so that Jamie wouldn't hear or see us bickering about him. "Nico, what the hell?!" She asked, confused. "I didn't wanna talk to him! It's just really awkward cause he keeps stuttering when we talk!" I replied while waving my hands in the air. Maria arched a brow, confused. "What a good reason!" She says sarcastically while rolling her eyes. "We're going back in there and apologize! You probably hurt his feelings..." She added while dragging me back to the store. Shit. What now?

As soon as we arrive inside again Jamie glances up at us, obviously confused. "Hi?" He said confused. "Hi! I'm very sorry for what happened earlier. Nico here is dumb sometimes and can be rude to some people, so sorry about that" Maria said while looking at me, signalling for me to apologize to him. Huh- as if I will! "No" was the only thing I could say to Jamie. Maria nudged my elbow, annoyed. Damn it, now I feel bad for him. "I..uh- I'm sorry?" I say to Jamie while looking at my feet. "It's ok, I get it" He said while forcing a smile. Wait, he gets what? "Get what?" I ask, confused. "N- nothing..." He says looking at his feet with a slight blush on his cheeks. Why does he always blush?

"Wanna hang out with us? I'm sure you're probably bored being here all by yourself" Maria asked while jumping up and down. Damn it. "What?-" I say to Maria as I mentally face palm myself. "Su- sure! I have to be back home by 7:30 though..." He said with a hint of hapiness in his voice. I'm guessing he felt a little lonely being here by himself, having no one to hang out with. "Wanna go to McDonald's? I'm a little hungry" Maria asked. "Yeah, sure" Jamie replied while smiling. "He looks really nice when he smiles" I say to myself, in my brain obviously.

We start walking to McDonald's altogether while Maria was bombarding Jamie with loads of questions. She talks a lot. As soon as we arrive at McDonald's we start ordering in one of those big tablet things. After a few minutes we go to a table to sit down. And of course, I sat beside Jamie. I don't even know why but I just did. Ugh. "So, Jamie!" She says while clasping her hands together. "How old are you? How long have you known Nico?" She added. "I'm um... I'm 16...and I've uh...known Nico since I was 4 or something..." He replied shyly while playing with his fingers under the table.

"He's told me a lot abo-" Maria's sentence was interrupted when the counter called the number of our order. "Oh, well hold on lemme get that" She said while getting up to leave the table, which left me and Jamie alone. Shit, what do I say? Jamie was looking at his feet and playing with his fingers, he looked pretty nervous. "Sorry about what happened earlier, I freaked out..." I apologized to him, sincerely of course. "Don't worry, it- it's fine" He replied, trying to smile and also trying to look me in the eye. Since when were his eyes that big?

"Ok besties here's our food!" Maria exclaimed out of nowhere. "So, Jamie, as I was saying," Maria said while sitting down. "He's told me a lot about you!" She added. Damn it, now what do I say? "Really?" He asked as he looked at me, amused. "Uh...." was all I could say. How am I supposed to answer now? "Of course he does! He's told me about how you guys hated each other so much!" She said. Ok yeah maybe I lied when I said I mostly forgot about him....in fact, I couldn't forget him. "Oh..." He said softly, while taking a bite of his fries.

"Maria could you shut up" I say to her jokingly. "No, I don't think I will" She replied back while taking a bite of her food. "Are you gay, Jamie?" Maria suddenly asks out of nowhere. How can someone ask someone that question when they had just met them?! Not that I'm homophobic but that just seems awkward to ask someone that all of a sudden. "I...uh...I'm not" Jamie said with his cheeks blushing really hard. "Sorry about that, Maria can sometimes be dumb too and asks random questions to people" I say to Jamie, laughing lightly. Maria rolled her eyes at me while struggling to hold her laugh. Jamie only laughed and didn't say anything, he just took bite of his food. His laugh's kinda cute.

We finished our food in just a few minutes and it was 7:10pm and Maria had to go home early since she lived 20 minutes away from the mall. "Bye, Maria! See you!" I wave her off as she waved back and walked the other direction. I was about to walk the other way when I noticed Jamie was walking in the same direction. "Are you following me?" I asked as I turned over to look at him. "Oh- I um... I live like...next to your house if you did- didn't know so..." He said. What? He lives next to me? No one told me that his house is next to mine! Now I feel bad that I accused him of following me! Ugh.


This chapter's longer than the first one lol sorry but hope you guys like it :)

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