moments of window clarity

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when i'm older and i have someone to reciprocate love to, i want a house with windows upon windows and then some more. i want the sun to pour into the living room while i read on the floor and i want the pouring rain to be visible at all times. i want to play scrabble with my love and get excited when i'm ahead by one point, then lose by five and request a rematch. i want to force myself to like the taste of bitter coffee while i doodle glasses on the picture of the newspaper man.

i don't mean to ask for much, i just ask for happiness again. i wish for those little moments that are so damn good they keep you satisfied for the rest of the week.

i ask for a life full of moments upon moments and then some more.

poems to books i'll never write and lyrics to songs i'll never sing حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن