I read the label on the bottle and it said:
Durex Play
Warming intimate Lube

Ooh! Warming.

Well then, I'll just be taking that for now, if you don't mind me.

I casually stuffed the bottle into my jeans and began searching again for the DS.

Eventually, I found it amongst a pile of paper on his desk and I sprinted out of his room, slamming the door behind me as fast as possible.

"Found it!", I yelled to Dan, who, as I entered the room, seemed to be practicing making out with his hand.

"Uhh- it's not what it looks like", he coughed, blushing heavily and looking away from me.

"Yeah- you must've gotten some chocolate on your hand or something", I laughed, sitting next to him as he concentrated on staring at the wall.

"Mmhmm yep", he nodded, before I carefully turned his head to face me.

"I don't know why you're practicing, you're already the best kisser I know", I encouraged him, rubbing his cheek lightly.

"Is that so?", he raised his eyebrows at me in disbelief.

"Hmm... On second thoughts, maybe you'll have to kiss me again, just to make sure...", I tilted my head at him as he began to blush even more.

"You're so cheeky", he grinned, his dimples visible, making his smile even more irresistible.

I leaned towards him, connecting our lips as they gently met. His supple skin made my body tingle; my heart pase increasing at a fast rate.

Slowly, our tongues met, competing blissfully for dominance over one another. This connection made my heart ache in my chest, allowing a moan to slip past my lips and into the kiss.

The sensation was brilliant, sending shots of energy throughout me. He placed his arms around my waist as I pressed my body against his, pinning him to the wall.

He raised his hands up to my hair, gripping onto it and turning it into an outrageous mess.

"I want you Phil", Dan moaned, pleading for my affection.

"Shhh", I pressed my fingers to his lips as I crept over to the door, locking it for privacy, before returning to the bed.

Now I remember why I wanted a lock on my door so badly.

I looked down at Dan, whose skinny jeans had become extremely tight.

I watched as he moaned quietly, crawling over to me, tugging at my shirt.

"Please Phil", he begged, kissing down my neck roughly, leaving various love-bites.

I leaned closer to him, reaching for the buttons on his school shirt, "Please", he whined, grabbing my hands and undoing his shirt for me. "Daaan", I purred, stroking his, now curly, fringe.

Once he'd undone all the buttons, he threw the shirt onto the floor, immediately returning his attention back to me.

He began to undo the buttons to my shirt as I ran my hands around his waist. His subtle tan contrasting with my pale skin. His body was warm and soft, making me want to embrace him uncontrollably.

He took off my shirt and threw it beside his as he kissed me again on my lips, making me carefully slip my hands down the back of his jeans, causing him to kiss me even harder.

As he pulled away, I reached down to take off my awfully tight jeans as my member began to throb impatiently.

He, in turn, took off his jeans, throwing them onto my pillow.

Phan: Blurred Admirer - High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now