Tip #28: Working on More than One Story

Start from the beginning

You check the word count. 983. You smile. Thank goodness you have a word goal. Now, you know that you just need to write... (Vicky frantically finds a calculator) 17 more words... I think.


After you write those words, then you can relax and wait until your next session of writing. Which leads me on to the next tip.

2) Schedule

Scheduling is arguably the most important thing when you're writing more than one book at once. To make sure you fulfill your word goal and write regularly, you need a schedule.

It's extremely helpful in keeping you on track.

So... you have twenty minutes a day you can write. What do you do? Split it into two parts, ten minutes each. No! Ten minutes is not enough to write. Instead switch between books on different days. So does that mean Monday you write one book, Tuesday you write the other and so on? No again! You need to keep consistent because after you write for one book, you'll probably have ideas for that book so that book will need another session.

Instead, say Monday and Tuesday are your first book, Mystic of Pies and Wednesday and Thursday are your second book, Chronicles of Ainran. But woe! There's only five days you can write each week! One book will get less.

But which one? Helpfully, this leads on to my next tip.

3) Prioritize

You have to have one book that you prioritize over the others. This is critical if you ever decide you only want to write one book at a time. It's also important to decide which one you'll be writing more often.

Which story are you more invested in? Which story are you more able to write? Which story is more important? That's the one you prioritize.

4) Don't Write Similar Books

If you write too similar books, you're going to get confused. Say you've got three story ideas. The first story idea that there's a sorceress that controls all the pies is your priority. It's an urban fantasy.

You have two other ideas. One is a silly urban fantasy called House of the Ties. The other is a dystopian Romeo & Juliet.

Which one should be your second story? Not House of the Ties. They are way too similar; they even sound similar, ties, pies.

Anyway, that's all I have to you today, but feel free to ask questions in the comments; I'll be happy to answer. 

One last tip: if you're posting them on Wattpad, have an update schedule. There's a terrific article by NykkyBee which talks about this. I'll post a link in the comments.

Thanks for reading, and I hope your go at writing more than one story at once goes well!

Editor's NoteA huge thanks to Ink_Scars206 for writing our first article since Writing Tips and Wattpad Tricks hit 5K views! And another round of thanks to all the viewers that make this book the awesome community it is

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Editor's Note
A huge thanks to Ink_Scars206 for writing our first article since Writing Tips and Wattpad Tricks hit 5K views! And another round of thanks to all the viewers that make this book the awesome community it is. Here's to you! <3

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