( ADRIENS POV) chapter two: chat noir

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i got home and layed in my bed smiling at the ceiling
" whats up, lover boy" plagg said
" lover boy" i whispered to myself
" its only been a day since we met and she already gives me butterflies. i never felt like this before. plagg, help me"
plagg looked at you " camembert only makes me feel this type of way, i dont know how to help you adrien"
maybe ladybug can help?
u called her and she answered
- " are u safe? is there a akuma attack?"
" nononono i just need some advice, is that okay?"-
- " sure, about what?"
" well, love, i guess?"-
- " love?" she says
" well no i would call it love it just tha-"
-" uve fallen for someone awwwww"
" yeah, well theres a new girl in paris, her name is y/n, shes super cute,sweet,funny,besutiful,perfect" u said as u realized how dumb u sound like, uve only known her for a day..
-" oh, and what about her"
i dont know what to say, now it seems like i called lady to waste her time, shiet.
as your about to say something, y/n texted you
-" alright i will leave you alone, lover boy" she said as she hung up

you looked at your screen,
"hey, its the girl u meet like an hour ago, y/n l/n, i just wanted to know i came home safely, thank you again!"
shes so cute, as u made her a new contact on your phone
" hey!! thank u for the text, i got a bit worried!"
worried? - what if she finds me weird?
-" c: see u on monday!"
its 2am, we should really go to sleep
" bonne nuit :)" i text her, she doesnt answer? was she annoyed at him, already?
" she probably fell asleep, u should too" i heard plagg say
i fell asleep and had a dream about y/n.

adrien woke up by hearing a notification from his phone, 10am? on a sunday ??
- " goodmorning"
seeing it was from y/n, it made him smile
well now u had to start your day right? you looked outside the window and at the same time heard on the news that a akuma attack just started
" plagg, claws out!" u said looking at the tired kwami fly into your ring

you've always felt more confident as chat, hes free, saving paris. it made him happy knowing so many people trust him and dont want somebody else to be the chat noir.

you defeated the akumatized person
" miraculous ladybug!! u heard lady scream seeing as paris went back to normal. you looked to the side of your eye and see y/n walking from what you think the store.

you ran to her and hugged her from behind,
" bonjour" you said as you kissed her hand, watching as you slightly blushed but looking at you with an confused look. " Hey im Chat Noir, you must be new here, ive never seen you before?" u said hoping she would believe your excuse to spend a little time with her
" i moved into here yesterday, probably explains it" she said smiling, it made your heart melt, you didnt even hear ladybug scream your name until you noticed that y/n looked confused at a another direction. i hugged her, hoping she would think weird of me, and said " a bientôt mon chèrie" loud enough for her to hear. i ran to ladybug while lady looked confused at you, " why are u so happy? never seen you this happy meeting somebody"
" eh, thats y/n, the girl i told you about yesterday."
-" oh, well i cant deny it she's so beautiful. I
hope she-"
" yeah, i know righ-" u just realized what you said, " uh no wait yeat no, shit i meant i need to go now" u quickly took your staff and went to your home.
" plagg! even ladybug think shes pretty, god, why do i feel like this"
- " yeah just remember to act normal on monday, now give me my cheeeseee"
i gave him his camembert and went on insta.
" plagg? do u think she has an account?"
-" probably, no way your gonna figure out her username though"
you tried, typed in " y/n l/n" hoping you wrote it correct, there were a few girls named the same as her, but you found her account, shes so pretty in her photos.
" plagg can you believe it? i call this beautiful angel my friend!" you said as you heard a knock on the door, it was Nathalie,
-" dinners ready. your father cant eat with you tonight"
thats alright, im already used to it.

as you were done, you looked at the clock. 7pm, and im bored. "should i text her? or would that be too much? what am i even gonna sa-"
-" ask her about chat noir" plagg said
" youre a genius"

" Hey! saw you with chat! was he cool? what do you think of him?" u sent
-"hes pretty cool, it was weird though cause he kissed my hand & called me for his chérie, i thought ladybug was his girlfriend? but anyway, he really made my day"
she thinks me and lady are a couple? well i wish, or wished. now i just want to be with her, maybe she wont reject me as many times as lady did.
" ladybug and him arent together, what i heard, ladybug rejected him so many times it made him lose his feelings for her. sad but true, glad he made u happy"
u said hoping alya talked about this on her blog, otherwise it would be weird you knew all of this.
-" oh i thought they were a couple, they look happy & cute together"
what do i even say??
" they truly do, but i personally think they maybe are just better off as friends"
-" probably"
sheesh, that was close. now she knows i wont cheat on lady with y/n. u heard a notification sound from your phone
-" hey adrien, i dont want to bother you anymore but could we please walk together to school tomorrow? i barely know the way and i dont have any books with me or anything"
i would love to be with her but how do i say it without sounding weird?
" yeah sure, dont worry about bothering me, i would love to spend time with you. whats your adress? i need to know where to pick u from"
plagg looked at your phone and read the messages, " smooth one" he said as you saw that y/n texted you it
-" oh yeah its ___ :)"
" alright, see u tomorrow! go to sleep now though, u dont want to fall asleep in our class"
-" bonne nuit, agreste"
she remembers my lastname!!! " plagg!!! she remembers my lastname!! and i got her adress!! this is such a lucky day"
you smiled lying down in your bed looking at the ceiling as you fell asleep.

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