chapter ten: jealous

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[ idk if i made or will make it clear; but ladybug likes chat in this story, and is madly jealous that ur with him ( and adrien, who she also like/]
adriens pov

-" chat, i need to talk to you." she told me in now a serious tone. what is happening?
i looked her straight in the eyes, she couldnt let a word out.
-" A certain man, told me... to, i dont know how to say it? fuck. hebasicallyaskedmeforallyoursecretsoriwillneverbeabletomeettheboyilove" she said in a breathe. A certain man?? The only man that i saw her talking with was
my dad? why was my dad so interested, in me as chat??

" Who is this man?" i asked, maybe it wasnt my dad?

-" Sorry, i cant tell you. I dont know what would happen if u knew" she said, with her voice breaking and i knew she was close to crying.

-" fuck why do i cry about everything cant i grow up for onces and not being this sensitive" she whispered, but i heard it.

" baby youre not sensitive, just overwhelmed. and its all my fault"

-" b-baby?"

" oh wait sorry i didnt mean to call you th-"

-" hahah its fine, dont worry, loverboy"

" is it really, princess" i winked

-" well atleast im not the one flirting with every girl in town"

merde, is that really what she thought of me? how do i tell her, that shes the only one ive been visiting lately. Why am i still visiting her, do i really love her that much i have to see her every second?

" back to what we talked about, what if we just lie?"
-" im gonna be honest, i would rather lie than to tell the truth to him in a situation like this. i just dont want anything bad happ-"

i heard a knock on my balcony, it was.. ladybug?

-" Chat? What are you doing here, with her?"
-" Sorry Lady, just visiti-"
-" Is she the reason you stopped calling me m'lady and all those other nicknames?"

i looked confused at them, why was i the reason? i didnt want them to agrue at my balcony, or i didnt want them to argue at all.
i started zoning out

-" Why do you love her? And not me!!"
i came back to reality, " why do you love her..?"
he loves me?
-" Maybe if you didnt reject me for all those years we would have been a thing, but for now, i lost all my feelings for you, ladybug."

he said, jumping out of my balcony from roof to roof.
i saw that ladybug was staring at me,
-" if you ever look at him again, he wont visit you, anymore" she screamed into my face and later jumping out.
i layed down in my bed, confused, not sad, not angry, just confused. so many thoughts.

apparently chat noir loves me, but i have a boyfriend. i dont know why he visits me, does he visits anyone else?
the superhero of france hates me now, what?
and the worst of all,

i cant meet chat again, but if i dont meet him, i dont have anything to say to gabriel and then i wont be able to meet adrien?

thats where my feelings hit me, i layed down in my bed, looking at my ceiling hearing my parents argue in their room.

" i dont want to talk to you anymore" " then go away, youre just causing problems" " youre a bitch, i dont even like you" is all i could hear.

i really want to just cuddle with him, with adrien. but i dont think i can, would his parents even let me meet him? i didnt want to overthink, i put my pillow over my head so i didnt have to hesr my parents, and fell asleep. i didnt have school tomorrow, so i could sleep for a bit longer.

a/n: sorry for such a short chapter, i dont know what to write and i defenetly dont know for the next chapter

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