Chapter 17: Finale

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The girls drive their way back to the bunker, Wendy tries to wash off Dipper's blood from her hands using a couple of filled water bottles she found in the back seat. As she continues to pour water onto her hands, inside the car, Wendy rubs as hard as she could to remove all the stains. Pacifica, being right next to her, decides to help her with her handkerchief from her purse. She uses some of the water as she begins to wet her cloth and use it to rub off the blood stains on Wendy's hands.

Wendy begins to panic as she is worried about whether Dipper is still alive or not. The girls finally make it to Ford's old bunker as they notice Dipper sitting on top of the same area he first confessed to Wendy. Dipper stared into the bright stars, with droopy eyes and fog being blown from his face. Wendy tried to rush towards Dipper, but Pacifica intercepted her as she shoved her away from Dipper's direction.

Wendy: "What the hell are you doing? We need to help him."

Pacifica: "Wendy, you need to stay the hell away from him. You just stabbed Dipper in the stomach! Like in hell we are letting you stay around him!"

Dipper grabbed Pacifica by the shoulder as he whispers into her ear.

Dipper: "Can you give us a minute?"

Pacifica: "Are you kidding? She almost killed you!"

Dipper: "I survived worse than this. Just stay in the car with Mabel."

Mabel: "No Dipper, I think Pacifica is right, we can't just leave Wendy alone with you. Not after she almost murdered you!"

Dipper: "Fine, but can you at least stand somewhere behind me, that way I feel like I'm just talking to Wendy?"

Mabel and Pacifica agreed to his request as they allowed Wendy and Dipper to sit next to each other while they watched the two from a short distance. Dipper wasn't in the greatest condition as he covered himself in stitches and bandages while covering his body in a warm blanket. As Wendy sat beside Dipper, he wrapped the other side of the blanket around Wendy as the two snuggled each other, watching the stars. The two were silent for a while until Wendy decided to break the silence between the two of them.

Wendy: "I see you got yourself stitched. Who saved you?"

Dipper: "I have survived all types of injuries, I eventually learned how to stitch myself."

Wendy: "Cool..."

Dipper: "What made you want to stab me so badly. I thought things were going well between you and me.

Wendy: " I read that journal entry you threw away. In case you were wondering."

Dipper: "I know..."

Wendy: "I know why you did it, but I can't believe you went that far just to save me. Even..."

Dipper: " Wendy... you and I both know every well that if I was stuck in time trying to save my family, you do the same."

Wendy: "Well if you were able to plan that backstab against Bill, did you ever find a plan to save my parents?"

Dipper: "Of course Wendy I tried, but I can't change the past like I changed the future."

Wendy: "Why not? You seemed to play god so willingly in that cryptic timeline, what is stopping you from altering the timeline to saving my parents.."

Dipper: "If I did change the past, what do you think would happen to everyone else? Let's say that I did save your family. There could have been a possibility that we could have hurt someone else. If it wasn't for you going back in time, Pacifica would never and stuck around Mabel, constantly begging her to leave Gravity Falls. The two would then, never have gotten married. This is just one example Wendy, there could be thousands of more people I could have hurt just trying to save your family. Time travel is complicated, so I can't really explain in high detail."

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