Chapter 11

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Three weeks have passed since Wendy was invited to the Mystery shack for a sleepover and Dipper is relaxing on the couch, catching up on some Duck Detective he missed. As he was reaching an important climax, Mabel pops beside Dipper and throws a water balloon towards his face. Dipper is not annoyed as he wiped the water off his face.

As Mabel is dying from laughter, Pacifica, Candy and Grenda walk in getting hyped to go to the local pool. Pacifica and Dipper take a glimpse into each other's eyes and quickly look in the other direction, embarrassed to be in each other's presence. It was awkward seeing each other again as it wasn't until very long since their break up. Dipper tries to avoid full eye contact with Pacifica as he focuses his attention on Mabel.

Dipper: "Where are you guys going?"

Mabel: "We're going to have a water balloon fight at the local pool. I was thinking it would be nice if you tag along..."

Dipper: "I'm kind of having a date with Wendy soon. She is going to be here any minute."

As Dipper makes his statement, Wendy arrived, wearing Dipper's cap. She waves to Dipper and greets herself to Mabel's friends.

Wendy: " Hey y'all, you guys planning to go somewhere?"

Mabel: "We're going to the local pool today, can you convince Dipper to tag along with us."

Pacifica tried to interrupt Mabel as she wanted nothing to do with her twin brother, but wasn't fast enough to reply before Wendy.

Wendy: "Oh, I don't think you guys can go. Me and the guys kind of vandalized the place yesterday and they closed the place down for the summer. Sorry man."

Wendy felt guilty as Mabel and her friends expressed a disappointed look on their faces. Mabel had planned all week for her friends and Pacifica to gather for this event. However, her event was ruined by Wendy and her friends. All hope was not lost however as Ford and Stan overheard the situation and brought out some paintball guns that Ford created as an event for Dipper's and Mabel's upcoming birthday.

Everyone's disappointment was suddenly turned into amazement as each person in the room except Dipper picked up a rifle. Dipper didn't want to be part of the game, but Wendy was really intrigued by the weapons. Dipper didn't say another word as he picked up the last remaining rifle and joined in. Noticing Dipper's face, Wendy leaned in and whispered into his ear.

Wendy: "I know you wanted to enjoy movie night together, but c'mon it will be fun. Besides, spend some time with your sister. You'll enjoy it.

Dipper smiled and began to join in the fun. Mabel wanted to split the group into two teams. Dipper's team consisted of Stan and Wendy while Mabel's team consisted of Pacifica, Grenda, Candy and Ford. Dipper was considering the teams unfair, but Mabel justified his response by claiming that Wendy was so cool she counted as two people.

Wendy didn't complain as everyone was getting excited. Mabel started to explain the overall rules.

Mabel: " Alright here are the rules. Dipper's team has five minutes to run into the forest and hide. While we go out searching for them. My team will have walkie talkies to communicate. Whoever gets painted it out. The team with the remaining members wins. Also if the sun goes down and Dipper's team still has members, he wins. Is that fair enough for ya?"

Stan interjected as he wanted to raise the stakes of the game.

Stan: "Wait hold on! This is a little bit boring. How about we have a wager?"

Ford: "What are you suggesting?"

Stan: "If I win, I pay for dinner, if Mabel's team wins, Grunkle Ford here is going to pay for pizza. And trust me, when it comes to pizza, I can eat the whole entire store."

Everyone didn't say another word as they nonchalantly agreed with the overall rules. Dipper, Stan and Wendy began running for the mountains as fast as possible until they ran out of breath. Five minutes had passed and the overall group was tired from running nonstop. Dipper believed that they were safe, but suddenly, Mabel and Ford arrived with a golf cart and an automatic machine paintball gun strapped to the passenger seat that Ford created. Everyone started running in opposite directions, being separated. While Dipper didn't get that far, Mabel and Ford started chasing after Stan while Mabel screamed, "We are the gods of death!" full Mad Max style. Dipper managed to escape Mabel's wraith but was pinned down by Pacifica who almost shot him in the head. Ford was the one driving the cart and wanted to get Stan as a symbol for their rivalry and because Ford really wanted to win.

Dipper started hiding behind the rocks and he noticed Pacifica started to get frustrated for missing Dipper. To Dipper, it felt Pacifica was taking this personally. Dipper zig-zagged his way through the trees and finally jumped beside her and gave her a clean shot on the stomach. While this happened, Pacifica managed to turn her rifle just in time and gave Dipper a clean shot on his forehead. Dipper plummeted into the dirt ground, landing on his shoulder and head first. While Dipper was aching in pain, regretting his decision of jumping up beside Pacifica, Pacifica started laughing at Dipper's lame jump. The two go back to the mystery shack, sitting down in the front porch.

Dipper looks at Pacifica and realizes he never apologized for dumping her for Wendy. He swallowed his saliva, feeling a huge weight on his chest, pulling him down into a sea of guilt. Dipper sucks it up and spills out his apology.

Dipper: "Hey Pacifica, I realized I never apologized to you... I'm really sorry that I never said anything while we were dating. I know how terrible it was that I used you to forget about Wendy just to end up dating her, but I want you to know I never regretted dating you at all. You mean a lot to me and I won't really live with myself if we were no longer friends..."

Pacifica interrupted Dipper as she wanted to state her case.

Pacifica: " Dipper, you don't have to apologize. At first I didn't understand, but explained it to me better. I don't necessarily condone what you did, but I can forgive you for it. Besides, after hanging out with Mabel for a while I think I love her more than I loved you. If I was in the same position as you were, I would have done the same. So don't have any hard feelings. Plus, we are still friends."

Dipper smiled as he was thankful that Pacifica had forgiven him. Pacifica got and reached out to Dipper to give him a hug. Dipper returned the favoring, giving a hug back in return. As Pacifica looks up from Dipper's shoulder, she sees that both Mabel, Stan and Ford were driving down the hill with paint covering their face. Pacifica whispered in Dipper's ear not to tell Mabel she has a crush on her. Dipper replies by putting his index finger on his lips, indicating he won't tell Mabel anything.

While that was happening, Wendy was looking for a place to hide to win the overall competition. She planned on waiting until the game was over when she noticed everyone in her team was out from a distance. She looked up at a nearby cliff and decided to hide there and wait out until the sun disappeared. The sun was barely visible, meaning she only had 5 minutes into the game. As Wendy was running towards the cliff, she turned to a corner and bumped into a mysterious hooded person. It was Blendin Blenjamin Blandin: the time traveling fat guy.

Blendin quickly started running as he was in a hurry as he just escaped the 1920's. He managed to fix his time machine just as Al Capone and his goons were chasing him for ratting out their illegal alcohol business. Blendin started running for his life, not even noticing he bumped into Wendy, dropping his time device. Wendy rubbed her head, trying to ease the pain. She noticed the machine on the floor and picked it up, unsure what it was for. Wendy wanted to return it to Blendin, but couldn't find him as he ran far off into the dark.

Wendy headed towards the cliff again and had one minute to spare. She started fiddling with her new toy, trying to figure out what it did. As the sun escaped the horizon, she slipped on a rock, falling off the cliff, and pulling the string attached to the device. As she was falling, her life started flashing before her eyes, reliving every single memorable moment in her life in a fraction of a second. Wendy believed this was how she was going to die. But as she was falling her body started atomizing and Wendy reappeared at the cliff with little bit of the sun still showing.

Wendy had traveled 10 seconds into the past.

Wendy wasn't sure what just happened. As she looked at the sky with the sun barely up, she noticed she somehow went back in time. Wendy was thinking long and hard about what occurred but her state of shock was interrupted when Candy came behind her and shot Wendy on the back. Grenda, and Candy started cheering, as they won just in the nick of time.

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