Chapter 4

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As Wendy and Dipper spend the night at her house,she ends up picking a sequel to the terrible zombie movie they watched last summer. Although the two try to focus on the movie, rather than each other, they can't help but notice the other person's presence due to how terrible the movie was.

Two friends are silent from the start, It wasn't until the two friends reached the half-way point of the movie that Dipper decided to break the quiet ice between them.

"Hey Wendy, you want to watch something else?" Dipper asked.

Dipper turns to his left and notices Wendy is already asleep in her bed laying still and motionless. She was exhausted from working three part time jobs as an employee at the mystery shack, a lumberjill (female lumberjack), and carpenter. The only form of movement she's been creating is the slight movement of her chest as she is breathing. Dipper decides to leave as he doesn't want to disturb Wendy any longer. He reaches Wendy's door, when suddenly he hears Wendy call out someone during her sleep.

"Please... don't leave!" Wendy said faintly

Dipper assumes that Wendy was calling out for her family since it hasn't been very long when she lost them. Dipper leaves the house with Wendy asleep with her own thoughts. Dipper believed that it was best for him to let Wendy have her beauty sleep, since she hasn't gotten one in a very long time. However, as Dipper left the house, Wendy utters the person's name she was dreaming about.

"Dipper! Please, help me!" Wendy mumbles

It's 8:23 pm and Dipper planned on heading home when suddenly he had an urge to buy some chewing gum to help clear his mind of Wendy. Dipper was still embarrassed of yelling at Wendy during their walk and felt guilty for getting frustrated for not understanding why Wendy was so heartbroken. The guilt started constantly clawing at his soul and Dipper wanted something to distract his awful first day impression. He notices a nearby gas station store and heads towards it. He looks at the gum isle, but to his surprise, only finds the terrible, off brand, chewing gums. He gets a small pack of trident, as it was the only brand of gum he recognized and places the gum on the counter for the cash register to scan. After looking down all day, having a mental fight with himself, he hears the cash register call out his name.

"Dipper? Is that you?" The register asked.

Dipper looks up and notices it was Pacifica Northwest.

"Holy, it's you Pacifica! How you've been!" Dipper says with shock.

"I'm fine! Just been busy with school and work." Pacifica said.

"But... aren't your parents rich? Why even work at all?" Dipper asked.

"My parents lost all their money after you saved the world. They spent all their savings on 'Weirdness Bonds' or something so now we just live like normal people ever since the stocks on those went down ever. They totally deserved it though." Pacifica replied.

"Well, good luck with everything I guess.." Dipper said nonchalantly.

After Dipper paid for his gum, Dipper was heading out of the store waving Pacifica goodbye. However, just as Dipper touched the glass door, Pacifica intervened.

"Hey Dipper, can you wait for me, I just finished my shift. I was thinking maybe we could have a chat or something?" Pacifica persuaded.

"Uh.. I don't know, I kinda had a long day?" Dipper retorted.

Dipper looked at Pacifica and realized that he had nothing better to do. He suddenly had a change of attitude as he decided to wait for Pacifica to close the shop. As Pacifica locked the convenient store, two acquaintances decided to go for a walk, eventually stopping towards a nearby park. The two friends sit a set of swings as they bring each up to date on their lives.

"So, what have you been up to Dipper?" Pacifica asked.

"I just got here today. Other than that, I'm just entering high school and looking for which college I want to try out for." Dipper replied.

"What are you planning to major in once you do finish high school? It better not be in business cause you would totally hate it!" Pacifica asked.

Dipper laughed at her comment, but was unsure how to answer it considering he didn't know what subject interested him. Noticing Dipper being silent for a while, Pacifica decides to break the ice. She builds up the courage to tell Dipper how she thought of him.

"You know, I had a crush on you three years ago." Pacifica stated.

"Wait what? You did?" Dipper said.

"Yeah! Ever since you saved me from that ghost, I kinda fell for you." Pacifica claimed.

Dipper wasn't sure what to feel. He felt flattered about Pacifica confessing to Dipper, but he couldn't stop thinking about Wendy. Dipper almost felt trapped between two worlds. To Dipper, his emotions were constantly flipping coins with Wendy and Pacifica on different sides. After much thinking he decides to invest his love towards Pacifica, using her as a tool to forget about Wendy. After taking one deep breath, Dipper asks Pacifica whether she still holds those feelings now.

"You still love me now?" Dipper asked.

Pacifica didn't reply as she started staring down onto the rubber floor. Her hands were wrapped against the chains of the swing and her face was more pink than the nearby flowers. Dipper could already tell what Pacifica's answer was as reaches into her face and presses his lips against hers. The two begin to share a kiss underneath moonlight.

A couple of hours had passed and Dipper arrived home as everyone was asleep. It was 11:57pm and Dipper was walking up the attic in a sluggish manner. As reached his bed, Mabel was sitting by her side, flipping through her old photo book, and reminiscing about their previous summer in Gravity Falls. Dipper launches himself upward, landing on his bed, and groaning in agony.

"So, how did your date with Wendy go?" Mabel had asked.

"First off it is not a date. We are just friends. And Second, it was fine." Dipper replied with his face pressed against his pillow.

"Dipper, I know I want the best for you and I told you this before. You can't deny your feelings. Just tell her how you feel. Who knows, maybe this time she would accept your proposal." Mabel argued with an annoyed look.

"I don't have feelings for her. Besides, I'm dating Pacifica now." Dipper claimed.

Mabel started getting furious as she looked up at Dipper while closing her photo album.

"Bro, what are you thinking? You're using Pacifica as a way to get over Wendy. What are you doing?" Mabel said with a stern look.

"Look, it took me three years to realize that me and Wendy will never work out. She is too old for me and people would only attack her for dating a 15 year old as an adult. It will never work out between us. Besides, I can't always cling to the past. I have to move on with my life. It's not like I don't like her as a person; it's just I don't see her that way anymore." Dipper stated.

Mabel knew he was lying. His hands movements were more sudden, he started to sweat, and his voice had a little more of a pitch to it compared to before. Dipper knew that he was justifying himself. He was too afraid to face the idea of rejection that he avoided all possibilities of that ever happening; by dating someone else entirely. Both Dipper and Mabel knew how immoral and inconsiderate this was towards both Wendy and Pacifica, but Dipper was desperate. Afraid of being alone, he used Pacifica's love for him to his advantage.

Mabel makes one last attempt to persuade Dipper not to date Pacifica.

"Dipper, it is fine that you are moving on and all, but I don't think this is the proper way." Mabel argues.

Dipper didn't listen as he was already tired from all the walking he had done throughout the day.

Mabel realized that Dipper hadn't changed at all during these past few years. To Mabel, Dipper was still the kindhearted, smart, and energetic nerd he always was, but he was also someone who never thought about how his actions could hurt others. Dipper always had to realize from an outside perspective how his actions affected others. It took Weirdmageddon for Dipper to realize the idea of leaving Mabel to study under Ford would only hurt her, and it took a forced break up between Wendy and Robbie for him to realize how much of a burden he was to Wendy. Dipper never thought things through, and Mabel was just witnessing for another incident to happen.

Gravity Falls FanFiction, Falling for time.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora