Chapter 13: The Time Journey

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Wendy opens her eyes, noticing the small snowflakes falling onto her face. It was December 12th, 2015. Wendy's family had finished packing up their camping equipment and were heading back home. Wendy took the keys from her father as she offered to drive instead. Although her father was against it, Wendy insisted as she already got in the driver's seat and revved the engine. Although Wendy's hands were shaking, it wasn't due to the cold weather, but rather her nervousness of what is to come. Wendy knew exactly how the accident played out as she begins to have flashbacks of the incoming future.

Wendy starts the engine and drives 2 minutes up the road and sees an incoming truck. The tires start losing traction due to the icy road and Wendy starts losing control of the vehicle. The van then steers to the left, crashing face front into the truck's engine, launching her family off the road and down the cliff to the side. The truck eventually rams into a nearby tree, covered in broken branches. Wendy remembers how a bit of the front window glass broke and stabbed her abdomen and how the broken branches impaled her father to death. Her brothers' heads cracked as they slammed against the interior of the van as it was falling.

Wendy tries to play things differently, going as slow as possible until the truck passes by. Seeing incoming lights, Wendy decides to go even slower than before, almost going the same speed as if someone was walking. However, this did not alter the course of the family's fate as this time, the truck driver loses control and rams straight into Wendy. From there, history repeats itself as the van rolls off the road and down the cliff into the same tree.

Blood is covering her face as Wendy opens her eyes slowly, barely conscious. She turns around and sees all her family members dead, the same way they went out the first instance. Wendy begins to remember what Ford and Dipper warned her about not being able to change the course of history. Although she didn't understand what they were warning about, she understood they were trying to stop her from re-living the same experience. Wendy is still stubborn however as she pulls her time machine once more for another start over.

This time, she accelerates as fast as possible, driving past the incoming truck. Her father tries to advise against this, unknowing what Wendy was up to. Wendy believed that if she was able to drive past the truck, her family would be safe. The horrid lights arrived once again as they gleamed menacingly towards her face. The luminous headlights pass over her vehicle as she accerates ever harder when her eye-sight comes in contact with them. The truck passes over her car and Wendy sighs with relief as she feels safe. Suddenly, Wendy loses control once again and the car slips from the side on the icy road. The car begins to rotate itself at ferocious speed. Wendy wakes up once again to find her father and brothers dead. The damage starts to worsen as the car's engine begins to ignite and be engulfed in flames. Wendy tries to get out her seat, but is unable to unbuckle her seatbelt.

Wendy was trapped and with no way out, Wendy starred at her machine once again and repeats the same cycle once more.

No matter what Wendy tried, she always failed to save them. She tried not driving only for the vehicle to be caught up in a snowstorm, killing her family. She even declined her offer and let her father drive only for him to lose control of the vehicle and crash. Wendy is starting to lose her mind, unable to remember how many attempts she made trying to save her family. To what was only seconds, felt like days for Wendy.

On Wendy's last failure, she tries to pull the lever one last time. Nothing happens. She flips the device to the back and finds all the internal systems completely damaged. She is unable to turn back time. What felt like her last moments of life, a mysterious hooded figure grabs Wendy by her arms and pulls her out from the vehicle. Without any strength in her system, she tries to reach out to her brothers, only to be carried far away from the accident. She starts losing consciousness,unable to identify the mysterious person as he carries her to a nearby hospital for her recovery.

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