Powerful but Powerless

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Remy's POV: I should be resting but my pain is the least of my worries right now. I was sitting down in my office gathering calls and other stuff I didn't get to catch up on within the day I was gone.

Ever since Lira and I got into that argument she still hasn't came back home. It's nine o-clock and she left yesterday afternoon.

It's my fault for treating her the way I did, I should've never put my hands on a woman as powerful as she is. Lord knows what she's out doing right now or even who.

I'm surprised I'm even still alive.

As if she knew I was thinking about her, she bursted through my office doors.

"Ma fille, where have you been, I was worried sick about you?" I stood up from my chair and started walking towards her

"Your entire dock was blown into pieces last night, all of your money blown into pieces. Along with 150 of your guards."

I stopped in my tracks and clenched my fist together tightly through the cast I had on my right arm.

"He did this?"

A stressful sigh escaped her lips as she nodded her head.

"Is that where you were Lira?"

I proceeded to walk towards her, trying my best to remain calm. Maybe she helped him do it. I mean it makes sense. She wasn't answering my calls nor text.


"DON'T LIE TO ME LIRA I-" I took a deep breath and stopped yelling

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, forgive me for putting my hands on you. That was never my intentions but I-"

"Beg me..." She smirked and her arms were crossed at her chest

"Forgive me Lira Galore." I sighed

"Get down on your knees like the coward bitch you are and beg for my forgiveness."

She stared into my eyes and I looked right back in hers for what seemed like forever. We went at war with each other. Her cocky stare and my angry one.

Not wanting this to get any worst. I finally got down on my knees like she asked.

"Please forgive me my queen..." I grabbed her hands and looked up at her

"You know I still don't feel like you mean it."

I clenched my jaw and quickly unclenched it before she could notice. Bending over, I kissed her feet through the opening of her heels.

"Forgive your fiancé Ms. Galore. I worship the ground you walk on, forgive me for my sins, my goddess. Please... I beg of you."

Lira's POV: Through all this all I could think about was how much I missed August. Remy looks so pathetic kissing my feet right now but I like having control over him. He's like a pet I never wanted.

He looked up at me with begging and pleading eyes. I rolled my eyes and kicked his hands off my feet.

"Get up, a man with as much power as you should never get down on his knees and beg." I rolled my eyes and scoffed

He sighed in frustration and got up.

Lil bitch.

"Ma fille where were you?" He asked again

"I slept at my mom and Matteo's house last night. If you don't believe me call and ask."

Matteo is my step dad him and my mom got married two years after I left August. He owns the Italian mafia but it's just as much as August's as it is his. I've never met him before but he has to be a good guy if my mom loves him. I wouldn't know because I haven't talked to my mom in four years. The only person I kept in contact with was Cassidy.

Surprise... I know.

"It's fine... I believe you."

"Good, we need to talk about Mr. Alsina."

"I'm gonna kill him, nothing to talk about."

As much as I wanted to fill his lungs up with lead for saying that I can't... at least not yet.

He walked away and sat back in his chair behind his desk.

I walked over to him and sat in his lap. Being seductive will get his mind right.

"Mr. Laval, don't you think it would be smarter to start from the bottom and slowly work your way up." I seductively spoke in his ear before nibbling on it


His eyes faintly closing, as his hands rubbed up and down my back.

"Kill him with kindness... you and I both know he has a soft spot for me."

"I'm not giving you to him Lira you belong to me."

I felt like throwing up, like hell I do.

"A month is all I need to have his head on a silver platter and his mafia in your hands." I leaned in and started kissing on his neck slightly bitting it

"I don't know Lira..."

"S'il te plaît chérie, je promets d'être une bonne fille." (Please baby, I promise to be a good girl)

I started slow grinding him and I felt his member awaken underneath me. That's when I knew, I finally had him where I wanted him.

I pulled back and looked into his eyes as he bit down on his lip. I grabbed his finger and brought it up to my lips before deep throating it. He groaned, bitting down on his lip.

"Pretty please..."

"You have one month and as soon as your time is up, I will come get you and you will marry me the next day."

My eyes grew wide in shock what the hell have I gotten myself into?

T.H.E.I.R. Crazy Obsession Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon