Family Time Pt.2

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Lira's POV: I could tell his wife was very affected by Cyrus's head being on the table. I was smiling because I did a really good job pulling his head. I'm very proud of myself.

"You wanna explain this?" Noel spoke through gritted teeth

"You wanna explain why you had him spy on my wife and I?"

"Your wife?" He chuckled

"I mean they haven't quite tied the knot yet. They've been together for like six years on and off but-"

I stomped on Boogie's foot making him shut the hell up. He grunted and bit down hard on his bottom lip. That's what he gets for being so irrelevant.

"Then what the-"

"Answer our question and we answer yours. It is your turn..."

August smirked and if looks could kill he'd be dead by the way Noel was looking at him. They stared each other down for a while until Noel shut his eyes and took a deep breath. Finally speaking with his heavy French accent.

"Obviously I don't trust you or your so called wife. My son was a fool to believe a woman like you would marry him in only two months of dating."

"Ugh don't remind me." I shook my head out of the thought

"What were you gonna do with those pictures Noel?"

"Aht aht... it's not your turn to ask." He chuckled

August clenched his jaw and the look of murder filled his eyes.... I wanna sit on his face again.

"Why were you gonna marry my son in the first place?"

"The same reason why your wife was having an affair with the persons head I cut off... power"

She gasped, looking at me with confusion all over her face. If you're gonna cheat at least try not to make it so obvious.

"H-how... Noel she's lying."

"Girl boo." I rolled my eyes

Opening my mouth to speak I was cut off by a fist slamming on the glass table.

Noel stood up and leaned over the table with his face close to mine. His chest heaving up and down, I couldn't help but laugh.

"You think that just because you're all powerful you can't die. Let me tell you something... I will kill you and my son for trying to fuck with my legacy, if it's the last thing I do."

"Pas si je te tue en premier." (Not unless I kill you first)

With that being said there was a loud thud and we all slowly turned our heads, his wife had a hole in the side of her head with blood pouring out of it.

Good shot Brielle.


"Aww... not my cheating mother in law."

He reached in his pocket and aimed his gun at me. I stood still with a blank look on my face. Before he could pull the trigger August pulled his arm back, dislocating his shoulder and slammed his head on the glass table putting a crack in it. Knocking him out cold.

In a matter of seconds. Security guards came running in left and right. We all quickly took cover to avoid getting injured. Boogie pulled out his machine gun and started shooting all over the place. August shot with his pistol and I threw my knifes covering the ones him and Boogie missed.

"Oops, baby I didn't bring enough knives..."

I only had three more left and six people were coming my way.

T.H.E.I.R. Crazy Obsession Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora