Knocked up

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August's POV (2 months later):

I woke up and stretched but when I touched Lira's side of the bed I didn't feel her soft shea butter body. I opened my eyes to find that she wasn't there and I hate when I wake up and she's not beside me.

I heard the toilet flush in the bathroom and instantly got up. When I went to open the door it was locked.

"Babygirl?" I spoke concerned but there was no answer

"Lira? Baby you ight?"

I shook the door handle and it was still locked.

"Yea I'm fine..."

The tone in her voice sounded so off. I wonder what's wrong with her.

"Babygirl don't lie to me, open the door."

"August I said I'm fine I just need some time... okay?"

"Lira just tell me what's wrong and open the door mama. Let me see your face so I can make sure you're good."

I shook the door handle more really wanting to break it but I knew if I did she'd raise hell.

"August please baby."

I sighed and let go of the door. If this doesn't show how much I care for her then I don't know what will. Running my fingers through my curls. I couldn't help but feel like this was my fault.

"Can you at least let me know if I can get you anything beautiful?"

It was quiet for a moment and I heard her sniffle. I wanted nothing more than to hold her but she was avoiding me.

"Babygirl are you crying? Hell naw I'm breaking the door!"

I raised my foot to kick the door open. I hit it two times and I only needed one more good kick for it to break until she screamed at me.


Putting my foot down, I sighed in defeat.

"Babygirl you're killing me... if I can't hold you or even see your face then at least let me get you something."

"Can you call my mom and Cassidy. Tell them it's an emergency and I need them here asap." She sighed

"Is that it?"

"Yes baby... thank you." I heard her quietly sob and it was killing me to know that I couldn't help her

I rested my forehead against the door and sighed.

"I love you wifey... I love you more than you can imagine Lira."

"I love you too hubby..."

Her I love you doesn't even sound the same. I mean is it something I did wrong? What did I do? Is she plotting on leaving me? Maybe someone's in there with her.

I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head and grabbed my phone to call her mom. I can't drive myself insane overthinking. My wife needs me right now.


"Hey momma Sharrel..."

"Hey baby, what's wrong?"

Of course she knew something was wrong she smells peoples vibes miles away.

"I don't know Lira won't talk to me. She locked herself inside of the bathroom and it's driving me insane. She told me to call and ask that you and Cassidy come over... it's an emergency."

"We'll be right over"

"Thank you, bye"

I hung up the phone and ran my fingers through my hair. I grabbed a piece of paper and pen before writing her a small little note just reminding her that I'm here for her and how much I love her in that note.

T.H.E.I.R. Crazy Obsession Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon