chapter one: paris!

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You and your parents just got off the plane all the way from your hometown. u were tired but exited, as u got your bags, you heard ur parents yell ur name, u look over and see them waving at u and poining at a taxi, u started going into their direction and finally got into the taxi. The taxi drove (?) around Paris to show you the view while having the song " La vie en rose" by Edith Piaf play, this felt like an dream, everything was just, so beautiful.
You got to your house, thanked the taxi driver and watching him drive away.
You got in your room ( u can imagine it looks like your current room, marinettes room or however u want ur room to look like, but keep in mind u have a small balcony. like it is in the pic)

The walls were your favorite color, your bed is soft and so were ur pillows

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The walls were your favorite color, your bed is soft and so were ur pillows. you started decorating your room and it all looked so cute and cozy. you put up posters / photos of your favorite artist/idol/aesthetic/you decide, it felt like your old room so it made it feel like home.

You get out of your room while u hear ur mom say something, " y/n!! could u please go to the store and buy some food!" - u agreed and didnt thought it would be that hard, u got out of the house and smelling the fresh air.

And well, u thought this was going to be easy. U didnt speak french at all, and u had no idea where the nearest supermarket is, so u decided to ask someone. You see a blonde boy walking down the street, he looked around your age, lets hope this doesnt becomes awkward.

" Bonjour, hey, so i moved in here today and uh well do u know where the supermarket is? it would really mean a lo-"
- " Pardon?"
shiet, maybe he doesnt understands english?
" Oh, uh well no dont worry" u shaked ur head hoping he would understand some signals and u slowly started to walk away ( i dont fucking knowww)
He walked to you and said " désolé, i didnt hear what you said. could u say it again please?" he said with a soft smile, i looked back at him and asked him again where the store is.
He told me he could walk with me so i didnt get lost, and i agreed to it, i guess i made a new friend on the way? oh, and we talked a lot on the way to the store.
" When did you move to Paris"
- " Today, actually. I moved from (hometown- h/t) and uh well i will start going to the school "Collège Françoise Dupont" on monday!"
" No way! I also go to that school. I have some friends there i know would love you, you seem really cool,sweet,pret-" he stopped and blushed, but you didnt notice.
" Are you a fan of Chat Noir and Ladybug?"
- " A fan of what?"
" u-u never heard of them?"
- " is that bad?" answered looking him straight in the eyes
" No, well," he started explaining who they are, what they do, how they do it and how to avoid being akumatized. U started to feel worried but after hearing from the boy how " good chat noir is" and how strong and helpful he is, maybe it wasnt as bad as it sounded like.

You finally got to the store, u gave him a hug and whispered in his ear " sorry for probably taking your time, u probably have much more important stuff to do." he looked at me and smiled, " it was the least i could do" he said and i smiled back, before going to the store, i heard him say, " M'la- I mean, Whats your name? u could get my phone number incase u get lost!"
I didnt think much of it and said, " Im Y/N, Y/N L/N(lastname), oh and sure uh whats ur phonenumber?" I gave him my phone and he quickly typed his number
" Oh, and im Adrien Agreste by the way"
u smiled at him and hugged him once again and thanked him.

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