"Maybe cuz you collapsed out of nowhere??!" Will half-shouted.

"I'm just tired guys, I'm fine." I pushed Four and Will out of the way and pulled myself up to stand, wobbling slightly making them both throw their hands out to stabilise me, "Seriously, I'm okay."

"No you're not, you need rest, or food." said Four "Go get something to eat then join us in the training room when you feel strong enough. Will go with her in case she falls again."

"I can't, if she falls I won't be able to help much." Will held up his left arm which was wrapped up in a brace.

"Okay fine, Peter you go." Fuck sake Tobias, anyone but him, you idiot. Peter pushed himself off the wall from where he stood at the back and walked over to me, leading me away from the group with his hand on my back. I slapped his hand away,

"You don't need to hold me up, I said I'm fine." I snapped

"Whatever you say, Baby" he rolled his eyes, sighing deeply.

The cafeteria was empty when we arrived, eerily quiet for a room that's usually so loud. I grabbed a blueberry muffin from the food hatch and made myself a coffee while Peter awkwardly sat waiting at one of the tables, playing with the knifes from his holster. I sat down opposite him and sipped my coffee, which sent a burning sensation across my tongue, "That's all you're gonna eat?" he questioned, frowning at the muffin in front of me. I slowly nodded, waiting for him to make an argument out of something. "No wonder you're basically a twig, Nose." I frowned at his comment, looking down at my body. I wouldn't have said I was extremely skinny, maybe slightly underweight but I thought I didn't look that bad. I slammed my coffee cup down on the table making it spill over my hand slightly, stinging my skin. I walked over to the food hatch and grabbed a plate of bacon and four stacked pancakes with a cup of maple syrup. For good measure, I also grabbed a bowl of berries. I sat and ate the whole lot and washed it down by finishing my coffee with ease, raised my eyebrow at Peter, shutting him up as he looked at me with a shocked expression.

"I think I'm a little full now," I said with a smug grin, "Let's go watch me kick your ass again."

"Oh really? You're still on that?" Peter rolled his eyes, I obviously struck a nerve with that comment, "I let you win, I could've easily knocked you out with the first punch if I wanted to." he glared,

"Keep telling yourself that Pete." I tapped his chest,

"You don't believe me, okay, let's go. Right here, right now." he challenged,


"Yes now, why? You too scared?" he teased, now taking his usual fighting stance with his fists guarding his face.

"You wish."

This time I made the first move. I stepped forward and threw a punch at his face, he shifted quickly to the side and caught my fist, throwing it away to the side, "You step before you punch." he told me, shit, I cursed to myself, I forgot he would analyse that. He took a bigger step forward, lunging down to punch me in the stomach but I grabbed his arm and yanked it towards me, making him stumble forwards out of balance,

"So do you." I smirked. He turned around aggressively running at me, lifting me over his shoulder catching me off guard and throwing me onto the concrete floor. Pain ricocheted across my spine and neck with a slight cracking sound and I winced and grit my teeth as he stood over me laughing. I thought this was just a playful practice fight, but Peter's rage suggested he wanted something else. He wanted to hurt me for real. If he didn't want to play fair then neither did I, I jumped up off the floor and pulled one of the knives from his holster, swinging it in front of me and catching his cheek,

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