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Sometimes life takes unexpected turns in the right direction


March 20, 2020

It was the frantic alarm sound coming from their cell phones that jostled both Lindsey and Stevie awake. Stevie practically having a mini heartattack at the loud siren noise, but she picked her phone up and started pressing buttons until it shut up. She couldn't read but Lindsey's swearing is what prompted her to ask the question.

"What, what's going on?" 

"Governor Newsome has ordered a shelter in place order. Lockdown starts at 11:59 p.m. on March 20, 2020 due to the alarming increase of COVID-19 cases in the state of California. The only thing allowed to remain open are essential grocery stores, hospitals, and police and fire. All doctors are required to cancel or postpone any non-life threatening check ups and emergencies." Lindsey reads.

"So that means our court case has probably stalled." Stevie sighs.

"Yeah but Judge Howard, knew that this was probably going to happen so that's why he said Stella stays with us under no certain circumstances." Lindsey shrugs.

"I need to call Karen." Stevie shakes her head.

"Steph, it's three in the morning." He whines.

"I know it is, but if this thing is as bad as everyone says it is. You, nor I will be leaving this house until further notice. Karen'll just load us up on groceries every two weeks. And we'll just have to figure it out. If the government is shutting down, Stella's spring break is probably going to get extended. I don't know about William and Leelee, but we've gotta keep ourselves and our kids safe." Stevie shrugs grabbing her glasses off of her nightstand and trying to figure out how to work her phone so she can call Karen. 

It was then that their bedroom door cracked open and Stella came inching her way into the bedroom. 

"What's up kiddo?" Lindsey asks as she crawls on the foot and worms her way between Lindsey and Stevie. 

She was sitting on her knees lightly bouncing as she thrust her phone towards Lindsey. 

"What is it?" Stevie asks 

"Stella's school email was just sent something saying that school would not be returning Monday, instead they'll be going online. I should be expecting an email in the next few hours with instructions for picking up her assignments." Lindsey sighs falling back into his pillow.

"What did I just tell you." Stevie states as LeeLee then appears.

"You're going all online too aren't you?" Lindsey asks.

"We are yeah." She nods.

"Jesus Steph, we're going to have to be teachers." Lindsey whines.

"I was always going to be a teacher, it's just a matter of dusting off that really, really, really dusty tool box." Stevie sighs.

"You were going to be a Speech Pathologist." Lindsey looks at her.

"That's what I studied but I was going to teach English." Stevie points out.

"I'm just not ready for this." He shakes his head.

"Lindsey think of it this way, you'll get to spend an incredible amount of time with your kids. USC has gone online, I can almost tell you UCLA is going online too. Girls any requests from Karen. I'm going to make her scour the surrounding areas for groceries." Stevie states

"Stuffing." Stella states.

"Oooh, I want like hot turkey sandwiches." Leelee salivates.

"You're shitting me right?" Lindsey asks.

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