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May 24, 2019

"Are you sure you want me there Lee?" Stevie asks running a brush through her wet hair. It was the last day of school, a half a day to be exact, so while Lindsey was at a vocal appointment Leelee came barging into their bedroom and woke her up. 

It happened the first night Stevie stayed with them. She walked into the guest bedroom looked at it chewed on her lip then turned around and walked right back out of it, into Lindsey's master where he was waiting with open arms. 

The Condo they were living in had taken a total 180 since Stevie got there. The night she went back there with them in April there were dirty dishes spilling out of the sink, the laundry was overflowing, and there was garbage all over the place and she looked at Lindsey and Leelee with the most disgusted, angry look in the world. 'How the hell do you live like this' escaped her mouth and Leelee and Lindsey both gave an identical shrug and walked away leaving Stevie open mouthed and in shock.  Dishes were now being kept up, Laundry was being done at regular intervals, beds were made, and Stevie was making proper lunches and dinners for them because there was no way she was getting up when they did to get LeeLee off to school. 

'Yes, it's your song. You helped me learn it and I want you there. I don't care that my mom's going to be there, I just want you there too." Leelee looks at her.

"And are you sure you want me to do your hair and your makeup?" Stevie looks at her.

"Stevie." Leelee huffs.

"Alright, let me dry my hair and you go pick out what you're going to wear." Stevie sighs. The concert was at six but Lee had to be there at five for rehearsals and everything and it was currently going on three in the afternoon. 

It was amazing how quickly Stevie stepped into the role of Leelee's mom. And she never wanted to replace Kristen and she's trying her hardest not too but it was becoming inevitable. She was reminding her to do her homework, to be safe. She was teaching her how to do basic life skills such as cleaning and cooking and laundry and she was there. They were talking about things, Leelee was having issues with her boyfriend she went to Stevie to get her opinion and it made Stevie happy and contented. 

Leelee came back into the master and she sat on the bed with her makeup and hair stuff in hand. She was wearing a red floral romper and she was barefoot and before Stevie even crawled on the bed behind her Leelee gave a big cheesy grin.

"What?" Stevie asks

Leelee just points to the brown clog sandals in the closet. The shoes were legit older than the hills, Stevie wore them a lot in the seventies and even though they were older than dirt they were still good because they were well made. 

"Do you want to wear them?" Stevie asks.

"If you aren't?" Leelee smiles motioning to the white dress with pink flowers on it that Stevie was wearing.

"No, I'm not. I'm wearing my black wedges. You can wear them will they fit you?" Stevie asks.

"I'm a six." She smiles.

"Alright," Stevie smiles going to the closet and bringing them over to her. 

"They look cute with your outfit." Stevie smiles once Lee has them on her feet.

"Thanks.Could I steal them when I go to college?" Leelee asks.

"I don't care baby." Stevie shakes her head grabbing the brush to rake through Leelee's straight blonde locks. 

Stevie had made leaps and bounds with Leelee, Stella on the other hand not so much. The girl was only fourteen but she dressed like a stripper and her world revolved around her horse so there was one weekend she was with Stevie and Lindsey and she wanted to go out to a party dressed in the shortest, skankiest, outfit possible. Stevie put her foot down and Lindsey held his hands up like he didn't want to be apart of it. Stella then proceeded to yell your not my mom and Stevie just shot back when you get raped don't come crying to us. That did spike an argument between Lindsey and Stevie but it did scare Stella enough to put some more clothes on. 

"What do you want your hair done like?" Stevie asks.

"I don't know maybe a bun but like a cute bun." Leelee shrugs.

"Not helpful but I'll figure it out." Stevie smiles gathering up the hair. 

Stevie ended up splitting it into three parts, a giant middle block with a little bit more hair and then the other two had a smaller amount of hair. She pulled the middle block into a bun securing it tightly with pins and then she took the two smaller sides and she braided them wrapping one of them on top of the bun the other one under the bun. And when she showed it to Leelee, the biggest grin appeared on her face and she threw her arms around Stevie.

"Did your mom ever do your hair?" Stevie asks.

"Only French braids for riding." Leelee gives a sad smile. And Stevie suddenly felt bad. She couldn't understand why Lindsey had married Kristen because she seemed just as useless with domestic-motherly activities as Lindsey. But the simple answer was William. Who just so happened to walk right into the bedroom as Stevie was doing Leelee's makeup.

"Hey Steves," He plops on the bed leaning back into her pillow.

"You're early." She looks at the alarm clock.

"Yeah, my class got out early and I figured I could just shower here and wear some of dad's clothes." William explains.

"Go pick something out and I'll iron it." Stevie hits his boot lightly. 

He groans but he sulks into the closet anyway. When Leelee is finished she hugs Stevie again and whispers thanks mom, and it takes Stevie a minute to respond but Leelee soon backs off.

"I'm sorry was that too much, I.." 

"No, Lee, not at all. I just didn't expect it you can call me mom if you want." She shakes her head.

"Only in private though cause my mom would kill me." Leelee winks and Stevie smiles.

"Yeah, thanks mom." William hands her one of Lindsey's many white button downs. 

"You're both very welcome." Stevie answers locking eyes with Lindsey.

"Hi dad," William says walking past him to go turn the TV in the living room on.

"Yeah, Hi dad, bye dad." Leelee stands up and kisses his cheek.

"Hey wait don't go yet, eat that leftover Chicken wrap from lunch." Stevie calls after Leelee.

"Yes mother." She replies.

"You're doing good Steph. Really good." Lindsey smiles.

"It's weird and kinda sudden, but I don't know...I like it." Stevie shrugs.

"Well so do I." Lindsey bends down and kisses her. 

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