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June 20, 2019

Stevie didn't tell Lindsey she was coming home. Because it wasn't the initial plan. The initial plan was to go stay with Christine in London for the month of July, but she came to a realization when she went back on tour. She hadn't lived with him that long before she went back on the road with Fleetwood Mac, but in that few weeks she lived with them, that attachment that she had to him was starting to reappear. So at the last hour she charted a plane back to Los Angeles. 

When she got back to the Condo, Lindsey wasn't there but Leelee and Asher were making out in the middle of the couch, and she was straddling him. 

"LEELEE WELLES!" Stevie scolds when she sees the two of them and the quickly scramble apart. 

"You're not supposed to be here." Leelee whines. 

"I had a change of plans. Where's your father?" She asks.

"In the studio. Doing some guitar part for The Killers." Leelee explains. 

"Look, I know you're eighteen so I can't even yell at you because I did the same thing,  but please take it somewhere else. Not in the middle of the living room. And if it goes any further just please, please, please use protection." Stevie glares at them. 

"Yes mother." Leelee rolls her eyes. 

"Alright, now, give me a hug I missed you so much!" Stevie states as Leelee stands up and walks over to Stevie throwing her arms around her. 

"So what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the UK." 

"I couldn't. I missed you guys too much. I love being on stage, and I wouldn't trade performing for anything, but my family means the world to me." Stevie shrugs.

"How long are you here for?" 

"August 1st and then I fly to Perth." Stevie smiles.

"So you WILL be here for my birthday." 

"I will, and I'll be here for Will's birthday as well." She nods.

"Yay, I'm so excited. Hey, can you do my laundry?" Leelee asks.

"Where is it?" Stevie rolls her eyes. She's barely into the house and she's already being pressed with domestic housework.

"It's in the laundry room. Come on Ash." Leelee holds her hand out and he takes it.

"HEY, USE PROTECTION!" Stevie calls after them.

"Love you too." Leelee turns her head and smiles. 

Stevie just shakes her head lightly and makes her way into the master bedroom where the bed is unmade and dirty clothing is littering the floors.

"Really Lindsey, really." She sighs bending down and picking up his laundry and unpacking her own before she ventures into the Laundry room to start the laundry. 

She mixes the clothing between the three of them, and then she separates them into piles. Reds and Pinks and Oranges, Blacks, Blues, Greens, Grey, and then Browns, Whites, and Yellows and she throws them into the wash. It's time consuming and tedious but it prevents bleeding and she really doesn't mind doing it. What she doesn't like is to fold the laundry which is exactly what she's doing when Lindsey walks into the bedroom.

"Wait, you're home." He asks.

"No, I'm a clone like in Star Wars, Yes I'm home. How was your day in the studio?" She asks.

"It was good. They played me their Demo and I put some guitar parts on it and then they offered me the chance to produce, so I get to go back there for the next two weeks. I'm not only doing the song that we're working together on, but I'm also doing their whole freaking album...I don't know maybe this firing thing worked out for the better." He shrugs.

"Well, the only reason I'm home is because I missed you too much." Stevie explains.

"Sure you do...Hey what's this?" Lindsey asks holding up a black lace thong with what looks like red roses on it. 

"Not mine, I don't wear that kind of lingerie, I were sexy adult lingerie so that gives you two other options." Stevie crosses her arms.

Lindsey shrieks in disgust and throws it across the room. "Not my little girls." 

"Your little girl was making out with Asher on the couch when I got home." Stevie explains. "I sent them to her bedroom." 

"WHAT! STEPHANIE THEY'RE GONNE AND..." Lindsey starts to freak out.

"Hey," She stops and grabs his chin, "They're eighteen we can't stop them, They're adults. I told them to go int here and I told them to use protection. But they know I'm here, so I don't think they'd do anything." She kisses him after her thought was finished. 

"It does't matter, we'd fuck when my mom was right down the hall." Lindsey whines.

"Lindsey, it's okay..." Stevie coos kissing him again.

"But they're and..." He starts.

"They're adults...and if you want too, we could certainly fuck as well." She winks.

"Steph, we're seventy." He states.

"And..." She smirks.

"Are you serious?" Lindsey asks.

"As long as you aren't going to need a little blue pill." She smiles.

"No promises...but let's wait until tonight." He kisses her again. 

"You nothing turns me on more, than you helping me with my housework." Stevie smirks.

"I am not folding the laundry, especially after I found out my kid is wearing a thong." He wrinkles his nose.

"Fine then, it's about seven-thirty I haven't made food yet, why don't you knock on her door and ask her what she wants for dinner and then go order it hmmm?" Stevie inquires.

"You're lucky I love you." He smiles.

"We should get married." She blurts.


"We should get married." She repeats.

"You're serious?" 

"I am...That's why I came home. I missed you too much and knowing that I couldn't claim you made me feel a little unsettled." Stevie explains.

"Let's take it one step at a time...I will certainly buy you a ring if that's what you want, but let's wait until after you come off the road okay?" he asks.

"Fine, as long as you get me a ring. And I think...I think we should move into my house." She gnaws on her lip.

"The Palisades house?" He asks.

"I only own one of them." She states.

"Let's talk to Lee about it okay?" He rubs their noses together.

"Fine. Now, go figure out what you're getting delivered." She mouthes at his jaw.

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