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February 1978

"PUSH!' The doctor demands as Stevie grits and bares down squeezing Lindsey's hand tightly a loud screech emitting from her chest.

"Almost there...big PUSH!" 

"No, I can't.." She shakes her head.

"Yes Angel, yes you can...Come on PUSH!" Lindsey coaches as Stevie just sobs and then pushes again.

"IT'S A GIRL!" The doctor calls bringing a bloody baby up and placing her on Stevie's chest.

Stevie was sobbing as she helped clean the baby off and Lindsey kissed her head before going down to cut the cord. 

"What should we name her?" Stevie asks when Lindsey gets back up by her head. She's tired as she should be. The baby cries still being cleaned off on her mother's chest and Lindsey just peers between her and Stevie.

"I want you to pick her name." Lindsey smiles.

"But I want us both to have a say." She pleads.

"Marie...as long as it has Marie in it, I'll be happy," Lindsey replies.

"Marie?" Stevie asks.

"My grandma, my mom's mom was named Marie." Lindsey shrugs.

"I knew that." Stevie nods.

"I know, I had a great relationship with her so if you really want me to have a say, let one of her names be Marie." Lindsey kisses Stevie's temple.

"Luna Marie Buckingham." Stevie reaches up and scratches at Lindsey's chest with her left hand, her right still holding their baby onto her chest.

"It's perfect." 


June 1980

They were tying the knot. Three-year-old Luna was toddling down the red aisle, the colors of the wedding were black and red and roses was the wedding flower, so Luna was dropping Rose petals as she made her way down to Lindsey in the cutest little red lace dress. 

That's what they had told her. Walk to Daddy, he'd be crouched down waiting for you at the end of the aisle just walk to him. And that's what she was doing. When she made it to Lindsey he stood up in his black tux with a red button-up under it and gave her a giant squeeze before handing her over to Barbara who was sitting in the chairs and then the wedding march started and Stevie appeared wearing a white a-line dress. Stevie wasn't one that wore white, so the bodice though was mostly white had a black overlay and it was off the shoulder. She had red lipstick on her face and her blonde hair was done up in a curly low bun off to the side and there was a red rose pinned in it. 

Once they exchanged rings and said their vows, they were dancing their first dance when Stevie leaned up to him ad whispered in his ear. "I'm pregnant." 

Lindsey almost halted as they were dancing but he just looked at her.


"Yeah, twelve weeks." She nods. He just smiles and he kisses her passionately on the dance floor as Luna comes running to them and tugs on Stevie's skirt breaking the kiss. Stevie laughs and just picks her up.


January 1981

"And the grammy for album of the year goes to Buckingham Nicks, I swear." Their third album had just won a Grammy and Lindsey was there alone and he walked up the stairs taking the award into his hands.

"Um, I'm usually not the one that does this...but my wife um...Stevie's at home, she's recovering because just three weeks ago on December 25, 1980, we welcomed our second child to our family. We named him Nicholas Jess. After Saint Nick, or Santa Claus as he's more formally known because Nicholas was born on Christmas. Both Nicholas and Stevie are healthy and are doing great and she's sad that she can't be here tonight. I honestly wasn't going to come either but she said that one of us had to be here in case we won. We never in a million years thought that we'd ever win a grammy, we're just two kids from San Francisco who had a dream and though we flopped on the west coast we succeeded in the south where we've made our life together. We want to thank our management team, all of the producers we've had, our label. For giving us a chance. We hope we've done you proud and we can't wait for the years to come. Thank you all so much for this award, Nick, Luna...I love you so much, and I love you Steph, We did it!" 


March 1990

"Here to induct Buckingham Nicks into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is Mick Fleetwood from Fleetwood Mac." 

"Thank You. I met Stevie and Lindsey oh about sixteen years ago at a Mexican Restaurant in Laurel Canyon California. It was there where I got on my knees and practically begged them to join Fleetwood Mac. Because we were in desperate need of a guitar player. But they turned me down flat saying they had a better offer. And boy was it a better offer because they're being inducted tonight and Fleetwood Mac isn't. I've stayed friends with them though and I do have to say that they wholeheartedly deserve this induction. Her melodic, poetic lyrics and his million string riffs have made some beautiful music with hits like Rhiannon, Without You, Landslide, and Dreams, their music will live long after they've gone. I am pleased to welcome Grammy Award Winners, Buckingham Nicks into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Congratulations guys." Mick says into the Mic as Stevie and Lindsey share a sweet kiss before standing up and making their way up to accept their award. 

"Thank You, um...Lindsey's not going to get a chance to talk. I won't let him. I have a degree in Speech Communication and Psychology from San Jose State so coming up here and speaking to you isn't hard for me. First, we want to thank our label for giving us a chance, and we want to thank the Hall of Fame for thinking of us and giving us this nomination. Not to mention the fans, we wouldn't be up here if it wasn't for you. Our kids, Luna is thirteen, Nicholas just turned ten. They've given up so much mommy and daddy so we could work and put out these albums for you and they've spent so many summers locked up on a tour bus with us but we love you and thank you for putting up with us. I want to thank Lindsey for pushing so hard against me when I said I wanted to join Fleetwood Mac because we were starving and broke and I just wanted a way out. But he believed in us, and he was the one that got me to push through. I love you Lindsey thank you for not giving in to my stubbornness." She smiles looking up at him

"You're quite welcome." He states as the fans bust out laughing.

After they perform Stevie practically sprints to the bathroom in their dressing room and she expells the contents of her stomach and Lindsey holds her hair back.

"Are you okay Angel?" 

"I'm fine..." She states wiping her mouth once she's finished.

"Are you sure because that came out of nowhere. I know you were nervous before we did that, but I figured you would've puked before." He sighs.

"I did, four times..." She sighs.

"Every time you went to the bathroom, are you sick?" 

"No, I'm pregnant." 

"What?" He asks.

"Congrats, we got into the rock and roll hall of fame and we're going to have another baby." 

"You're shitting me." 

"I am not." 

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