Chapter 4-Sorry

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"Fawley, what's wrong. Something is obviously bugging you, and til then I think it's best if we put off our lessons." Tom said when another spell misfired and splashed into the Black Lake.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm fine." I said.

"You don't seem fine. Come on. Let's grab a coffee."

"I don't really drink coffee." I said, but followed him into the Great Hall either way.


"Yeah. Green tea." I said.

"Okay. You can grab us a seat. I'll get the drinks." He said, walking away.

I sat down at the empty Slytherin table and he came to sit across from me, sliding my drink over to me as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Why are you being so nice?" I asked.

"Is it so hard to believe that I can actually have a soft side?"

"Not towards Half-bloods." I replied.

He thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. "You're the acception, Fawley."

I smiled a little and looked down at my tea cup, dipping a finger in and stirring the liquid around out of either boredom or nervousness.

". . . what're you doing?" Tom asked, looking at me as I stirred my tea with my finger.

I shrugged, finally looking at him. "I never know what to do with my hands."

He chuckled softly and set his coffee down, reaching over and grabbing my wrist, taking a napkin and wiping my finger off.

"You are so weird." He said.

"Weird as in good, or weird as in bad?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow and rubbed his chin in thought. "Haven't decided yet."

"Yeah, okay. Decide later, Riddle." I said, taking a sip of my tea.

A small smile flickered on his face, disappearing just as quickly as it came. "What was bothering you earlier?"

"I told you."

"No. It wasn't nothing. I could feel that something was off today. You've never had that hard a time with spells. So, tell me"—he leaned forward, resting his arms on the table—"what's wrong?"

I heaved a sigh and set my cup down, running a hand through my dark hair in frustration. "My dad's sick. We don't know if he's going to make it."

Tom's gaze softened. "Blimey, that's awful. Is there—Is there anything I can do?"

"I would usually ask for a hug after news like this, but I know you aren't the person whose most likely to give hugs." I said, drinking the rest of my tea.

He got up and came around back, wrapping his arms around me awkwardly. "Is this okay?"

I smiled a little and wrapped my arms around his, leaning back into his chest as he squeezed me comfortingly.

"Yeah. This is nice."


"You wanted to see my, Headmaster?" I asked, opening up the door and seeing him sitting in his chair, gesturing me in.

"Yes, Miss Fawley. I'm afraid I have some news concerning your family." He said.

"Is my father . . .?"

Dippet held up a hand. "Your father is just fine, child. Your brother, however, has requested to be pulled out of Hogwarts."

"Pulled out? Like, he's been expelled?"

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