Chapter 2-Classes

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I walked into my Potions class with Professor Slughorn, having him smile that there was another student in his class.

    I saw Leslie standing next to Thomas again, so I stood next to Molly.

    "Sleep well, Evelyn?" Molly asked quietly.

    "Yeah," I replied, looking at Slughorn as he passed out books for the class.

    "Today we will be learning how to make a Healing Potion." Slughorn said, "Open up to page 125 in your Potions book and start brewing."

I opened up to the page and sighed at this easy lesson. getting out the ingredients and started making the potion. After half an hour of working, it was finally done.

Slughorn came up to our table and smiled at our work. "Good job to the both of you."

"Thank you, Professor Slughorn." Molly said, looking proud of herself.


Defense Against the Dark Arts was next, and it was most definitely my worst subject.

The classroom was full and the Professor looked at me quietly before letting me sit in the back next to Thomas.

I looked at him for a second before looking back at the teacher, listening to a lecture about safety of using these spells for the first-years in the class.

"For Merlin's sake, let's use some already!" Thomas said loudly enough that the teacher could hear.

"Mr. Riddle! Wand safety is very important. So please, pay attention for your fellow students." The teacher said.

"Sorry, Professor." He apologized.

"Thank you, Mr. Riddle. As I was saying . . ." The teacher went on with the lecture.

"I'm Tom Riddle." he whispered to me.

I looked at him. "Evelyn Fawley. Now please be quiet. I'm trying to listen again."

He smirked. "'course you are."

I rolled my eyes and turned back to the teacher. The lecture was boring, to say the least.

I got up and gathered my books in my arms, walking out of the classroom and down the hall.

"Hey, Evelyn!" Leslie ran up to me as I went outside.

"Leslie! Hi! What are you going to do now?" I asked.

"Don't know. We have a free period for the rest of the day. Want to do something?" She asked, walking towards the Black Lake with me.

"Sure. Neither do we."

"Hey, Fawley!"

I turned and saw Tom running up to us, stopping by me, handing me my book on magical creatures. "Forgot this,"

"Oh. Thanks," I took it from his hand and he ran away back to his friends.

"Oooooo, I think somebody got a little crushy crush on you." Leslie said, bumping into me.

"Ha ha ha, no way. If anything he likes you."

"And what makes you say that?" She asked.

"You two are basically inseparable. I saw you guys in Potions class. Chatting up a storm. He might as well ask you out." I laughed.

"No. Tom isn't like that."

"See? First name basis already." I pointed out.

"Oh, shut up, you." She said with a smile.


"Ah, hello again, Fawley. What brings you up here this fine spring day?" Tom asked when he came into the Owlry.

I looked up from my note. "I'm writing my parents. They get worried when my brother and I are away."

"Uh-huh. What are you writing?" He asked, his hands in his pockets.

"Um . . ."—I looked at my note: Merlin, he is so annoying.—"just how my his first day went."

    He continued to look at me with a blank stare. "Uh-huh,"

    I averted my gaze from him and folded up my note, handing it to my snowy white owl and having her take it in her beak and fly away.

    "What are you doing here?" I asked.

    "I come up here to be alone. People suffocate me when I'm around them too long." He said.

    "Translation: you're an introvert."

    "I also just hate people,"

    "Wow. Well, I'll get out of your hair," I said, walking past him and stopping when he called me.

    "Fawley, I know you're doing badly in Defense Against the Dark Arts." He said.

    I turned around and crossed my arms. "And what gives you the right to know that?"

    "Unimportant. What is important is, I can tutor you. If you'd like." He offered.

    ". . . where would we meet?" I asked after a while.

    "Here? Near the Forbidden Forest? Anywhere, really." He replied.

    "Oh. Well. I'll think about it. Get back to you tomorrow?"

    He smirked. "I'll be waiting."

I walked down the steps and met up with Katy and Arthur.

"Hey, guys." I said.

"Hi, Evelyn. Were your classes okay?" Katy asked me.

"Yeah, they were okay. What about yours?" I asked them.

"They were easy." Arthur said, same as Katy.

"Yup. Anyways, you guys know Tom Riddle?" I asked, walking them out of earshot of the other students.

"Yeah, who doesn't. He's dreamy." Katy smiled.

Arthur and I looked at her with slightly terrified and concerned expressions, having her go red and shut up.

"Anyways, he's offering to tutor me in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Should I accept, or not?" I asked.

"I wouldn't, but this is your decision, Evelyn." Arthur said.

"Yeah, okay. And what do you think, Katy?" I asked her.

"Um . . . I would say yes. Because I know that you aren't exactly doing the best in that class, but you can do what you want." She said.

"Wow. Thanks for the input, guys." I said.

"Always here to be of service, Evelyn."


"Leslie, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked, pulling my friend into the halls before she went into the Great Hall.

"Sure. What's up, Evelyn?" She asked.

"Okay, so, I know this is short notice, but I think that your boy Tom might be bad news." I said.

"What? And what makes you say that?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Oh, you know, just him being all-out creepy." I replied.

"And you aren't? Honestly, Evelyn, everyone has a little creepy in them." She said.

"Yeah, but I mean he's creepy creepy. Like, he gives off major serial killer vibes." I said.

She raised an eyebrow. "You're crazy,"

"So is he!" I replied.

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