Chapter 20: The vault

Comenzar desde el principio

'I'm sorry'

A few minutes later you were wandering around the huge palace again. You were looking for Thor or Loki or anyone that could tell you were to find them. You went from corridor to corridor looking around for any familiar faces; you walked around, tried to open some doors and even went down some stairs hoping to maybe see a guard or literally anyone that could help you. It was quite odd that you hadn't seen anyone yet, you had been walking around for at least ten minutes.

Finally, you entered a long corridor, lighted by many torches on both sides of the walls as was of course the whole castle. At the end of the corridor there was a huge wooden double door and thankfully in front of it two, very scary looking men. You quickly and excitedly approached them, hoping that they would be able to help you find your way around. Of course, these hopes got crushed the closer you got to the door as the guards raised their weapons and got into fighting positions.

"Get away!" One of them shouted.

"It's okay." A bass voice came from behind. You immediately turned around to see Thor standing behind you.

"Hey. I have been looking for you guys." You told him happily.

"Well Loki is with mother, but I was looking for you, too."

"Time to go?"

"Yes, are you ready? How did it..."

"I am ready." You quickly cut him before he could finish his sentence. "So, what is behind that door end the creepy guards anyway?" You pointed at the well guarded door.

"Would you like to see for yourself?"

"Really?" A smile started forming in your face.

"Sure." He said and turned to the two guards in front of the big door. "Let us in."

"But-"One of them tried to object.

"Now." Thor raised his voice and the two guards moved out of your way.

The big door slowly opened to reveal a large number of stairs that lead down to a long and dark corridor. You gave one last look on one of the guards and both you and Thor started walking down the stairs. When you were finally at the end of it you looked around and scanned the room.

On the sides of the corridor there were small gaps with pedestals that had some weird things on them. Thor told you that this was the vault of the castle and that Odin had the most extraordinary and valuable objects in it. You were amazed in a second by the beauty of the things that were in there; there was gold, weapons, precious stones and so much more.

You continued walking further inside when a blue glowing cube thing caught your eye. You got closer to it and observed it for a second. There was definitely something about it, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. You kept looking at it for a couple of seconds and suddenly the urge to hold it on your hands hit you. You got even closer to the glowing cube and tried to get it on your hands when Thor quickly stopped you.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He told you calmly.

"What is this?" You asked him.

"It's called the Tesseract and it's quite a powerful object. My brother is quite fond of this piece of our father's collection actually." Thor told you with a smile. "And of this one of course." He pointed at the end of the corridor at a bigger and darker blue cube.

It looked like it was inside a container with two handles on the sides and it looked quite dangerous. You turned your full attention to the thing Thor was pointing at. You got closer to it, with no intention of touching it this time.

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