extra 3 | the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes - part ii

Start from the beginning

Stella angrily swiped her tears away, her hazel eyes now growing darker with fierce determination. "I'm going to Owl Dad and tell him what happened," she resolutely said. "He's already a Senior Auror. He might be able to do something about that... about that... that toad!"

The older Gryffindor sighed and patted her head. "I don't think that will be necessary," he said. "Dad will fly into a blind rage and make everything worse, I'm sure." He cracked a wry smile when she made a move to protest. "And Stella, honestly, do you think Mum will let this slide? You and I both know she's already formulating a plan that will scare the ugly toad away."

Stella petulantly pouted. "I will never forgive her," she softly spat.

Harry grimly nodded his head. "Neither will I."


Harry frowned when Dolores Umbridge suddenly barged inside their DADA classroom, that same simpering smile colouring her face.

"Good afternoon, Professor Lupin," she sweetly greeted. It didn't escape Harry's notice when Remus grimaced a bit upon seeing her, before schooling his expression behind a mask of politeness.

"Senior Undersecretary Umbridge," he greeted in reply.

"Please do continue," she said, already sauntering towards the back of the classroom to sit on one of the chairs. "I'll be here just to observe."

"I'm getting nauseous just looking at her clothes," Ron whispered under his breath, prompting Neville and Draco to burst into soft sniggers. Harry quickly shushed them when Remus threw a warning glance at their table, before the werewolf went back to his lessons.

Remus then cleared his throat and smiled at his class. "Now, as I was saying, today we will be learning about the Reductor Curse," he said. "Simply put, this spell will blast whatever solid object it hits into pieces."

He then waved his wand and a few dummies appeared in front of his class. "The incantation for this spell is 'Reducto'," he said. "Repeat after me, please. Reducto."

The class eagerly echoed the incantation, prompting his smile to widen. "Excellent," the DADA Professor said. "Now, I will call you by fives and you will simultaneously aim your spell towards these dummies and—"

"Hem, hem."

"—whoever can successfully blast a dummy first will receive ten points for their House and—"

"Hem, hem."

"—whoever is unable to blast the dummies will—"

"Hem, hem."

—will get - Yes, Senior Undersecretary Umbridge?"

Remus looked deeply annoyed, but Umbridge was unfazed. Harry watched as the Ministry employee sauntered towards the very front of the room, that irritating condescending smile once again plastered on her face. "If I may ask, Professor Lupin, what are you teaching the children?" she asked.

The werewolf knitted his eyebrows, confused. "The Reductor Charm, Ma'am," he matter-of-factly stated. "I'm sure you were listening when I said it a while ago."

"Hmm," Umbridge said, glancing down at her clipboard and jotting down notes that made Remus mighty uncomfortable. "And you are teaching these students how to practically apply these dangerous spells you're teaching?"

Remus gave her a clipped nod.

"Oh, dear me," the witch gasped, furiously jotting more notes on her clipboard.

Now, Harry knew that his Uncle Remus was the most patient among his father's group of friends. He'd seen how his father and Uncle Sirius were the most incorrigible. His Uncle Peter had his surprising moments, too, and Remus had merely sighed and shaken his head, exasperated by his best friends' antics.

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