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I was at fluttershy's sanctuary with tank as he is getting ready for hibernation... I was crying... Twilight's owl is already in her box, and angel bunny was in a special little place as he is fluttershy's.

AJ rarity and pinkie don't have to worry about it... But I do...

I cried and held tank as the girls got the animals all set that lived there ready and helped them... Fluttershy was letting tank stay because he's my pet and my 'child' per say... I didn't want to let him go but AJ and pinkie dragged me here with him...

Once they got the other animals ready they came inside

I held tank close still crying

"You ready rainbow... It'll be ok... It's only 3 months..." Fluttershy said

"No!" I held tank sobbing "I don't wanna lose my buddy!"

"C'mon now it'll be ok, we have a special place for him do he'll be safe and sound" Fluttershy said

AJ got me up and the girls put a blanket around me and I sobbed

We made it out into the cold where a hole was already dug out for him.... I sobbed the whole time... AJ sat me down, "c'mon now sugar, say ba byes for now you'll see him in a few months"

I gripped tank tighter "no! I can't! I can't lose him!"

He literally went everywhere with me school... Soccer practice and games... The mall... The beach... In bike rides... You get the point!

I even have a special backpack for him that I wear everywhere but school but I just have a bed in my locker and food for him there... I bring him to lunch tho?

 I bring him to lunch tho?

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(That's the backpack)

I couldn't just part with him for a few months!

I just can't! He scares the bullies away cause they think he's a snapping turtle! He is the main reason why I'm opening up more!

I continued to sob and eventually I felt someone take him out of my arms and saw rarity put him by the entrance and he went in and looked at me giving me a slow smile before fluttershy shut the door and covered it.

"Tanky!" I cried and hyperventilated.I tried to get it open but it didn't work... "Tanky!!"

Applejack picked me up gently and brought me inside...

I wouldn't stop reaching out for him and screaming, "TANKY!!"

twilight came over "rainbow if you calm down we have something to give you"

I wouldn't calm down but I did stop screaming

"Phew! I thought she would be screaming for days!" Pinkie said

I threw my ball at her that was in my pocket


"Just give it to her darling" Rarity said

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