why me...why him (part 6)

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Rainbows POV

I woke up to someone stroking my hair, I was laying on soarin's chest, I smiled. My body still ached and I didn't want to move, I just cuddled into his chest.

"Dashie are you awake" I heard

I opened my eyes and looked at soarin

"There you are" He said, "how are you feeling"

I shrugged, "my whole body aches"

"Alright dashie," He kissed my cheek, "just relax,"

"I don't wanna move" I said

"You don't have to dashie, just relax today, you need it after whats been happening" He explained

"Thanks" I smiled, "That day we went to the park with the girls I didn't want to go, but you all wanted to so I had to"

"Aw dashie," He kissed my cheek again, "you should have told me, then we could've just relaxed together, or came here,"

"I thought you wouldn't like me anymore, I am a freak already..." I said with a sigh.

"You aren't a freak dashie, you're perfect" He said

"Yes I am, I'm a freak, useless, waste of space, fat, a idiot-"

"You aren't a idiot, or useless, nor a freak or waste of space, and definitely not fat, c'mon rainbow, you're perfect who told you those things" He said

"Gilda, Trixie, dumbbell, hoops, my father,"

"You aren't any of those things, don't listen to them, I don't want you to be calling yourself those things," He explained

"Ok..." I said

"Here, at school, or anywhere, if you need me, come find me, I'll never be mad at you" He continued

I smiled slightly, "thanks soar"

I yawned as my eyes started to close again

"You still sleepy dashie" He asked

I nodded

"Alright, go back to sleep," He said

I relaxed and fell back to sleep.


I woke up a few hours later still on soarin's chest, I looked at soarin, and he looked at me.

"Hi dashie, feeling better" He asked

I nodded,

"She's finally awake" I heard soarin's mom say

"Ya she's awake" Soarin said sitting up holding me in his lap. I looked at soarin's mom she smiled at me.

"Hi rainbow, how'd you sleep" She asked

"Good... " I said

"How do you feel" She asked

"My whole body still aches" I said

"Alright," She said, "I'll get you a pain killer" She went to the kitchen.

I leaned on soarin's chest. He stroked my hair.

"Soar?" I asked

"Ya dashie" He said

"You're warm" I smiled closing my eyes.

He chuckled.

"I'm cold" I said moving closer to him, now shivering,

He reached behind him, then I felt something soft wrap around me. I opened my eyes and saw a blanket around me. "There" He said

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