Cystic Fibrosis

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So let's start off with some things, I'm Rainbow Dash, I'm 8 years old and I have Cystic Fibrosis...

If you're wondering "what Cystic Fibrosis is "a hereditary disorder affecting the exocrine glands. It causes the production of abnormally thick mucus, leading to the blockage of the pancreatic ducts, intestines, and bronchi and often resulting in respiratory infection"

As my doctor says or basically "I have mucus in my lungs and there's no cure and it'll eventually kill me"

So ya...

I don't have anything mentally wrong with me besides anxiety from crowds, I don't like that stuff it makes me feel sick.

But anyway I can play sports and go to school and all of that. I'm like any normal kid just with 10x more hospital visits. If I get sick of any kind even if it's just a 100.2 fever. If I get tired, don't eat, loss weight or complain about not feeling well I'll go to the hospital too.

I have to take medicine and use a vibrating vest.

Soarin is my best friend and I love him he's amazing and always visits me in the hospital cause I just feel sad when I'm there...

But anyway let me show you my life.


As I laid in bed I didn't feel like eating like yesterday... I heard my alarm go off and I got up, I saw my little sister Cloud, she was in the room next to me.

She hugged me, "you feeling better sissy?"

I hugged back, "I'm still not hungry baby" I kissed her forehead

That's when mommy called us down.


"Mommy.... I don't feel like eating..." I said

"Baby..." She sighed "just try to eat... Please... While I help your sister get ready can you try... Your brother will be here and if you really don't want to we'll drop them off at school and go to the hospital"

I nodded and sat back in my seat...

Blitz picked me up, "oh dashie..." He rocked me gently

I cuddled and fell asleep...


After we dropped off my older bbrothe, we went to drop off my younger sister, I was in pink one-piece PJs. Mommy took Cloud up and Gilda knocked on my window...

I looked as she opened the automatic van door and her and her little gang started teasing me for my pj's.

"Looks like someone went back to the nursery" One said

"She's actually wearing pink HA I thought she was a tomorrow boy" Another chuckled

Gilda mad some remarks before giving me a black eye...


Mommy finally took me to the hospital...

I was checked in, brought to a room, given a check for, and go an IV... All still in my pink onesie PJ'S.

I laid there in the bed looking up... Mommy had left to get my stuff for an overnight stay

A lost would be


And all that.

I just thought about a dog, i've always wanted a service dog, and I feel it would give me more freedom to do what I want and go out with my friends more. I wanna go bowling and to the ice cream shop or even just a movie or the playground. Plus I would get to hang out with soarin more. Go watch his soccer games or just hang out...

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