why me...why him (part 3)

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Soarin's POV

We finished the game, and I went to find rainbow, I looked everywhere and couldn't find her.

"Hey guys bas anyone seen rainbow" I asked

"I HAVEN'T " Pinkie yelled

"I haven't seen her since she... Oh no" Twilight started

"What?!" I asked

"She went into the trees" She said

"Well let's go!" I said and took off running.

Everyone followed. We ran till I saw her and ran over to her, she was curled up groaning, under a tree. I kneeled next to her, the others were close behind.

"What in tarnation happened!" AJ gasped.

"She's not dead silly" Pinkie said

"She's asleep..." I said as I carefully picked her up and stood up.

"Poor thing," Shy said

"Come on my queen let's not worry about rainbow" Discord said

"No discord! I don't care if you wanna leave but I'm not leaving rainbow" Shy said

I held rainbow close, she started to whimper, I don't like seeing my rainbow in pain, "let's get back," I said

We headed back, "what about dashie" Shy asked

"I think she just needs rest darling" Rarity said

"I agree" Fancy said

"Do we take her home?" Flash questioned

"I don't know" Cheese said

"I think we should" Twilight said

"I don't" I said as looked at rainbow, "her dad's out of town, plus I have to bring her sister cloud chaser home, she's having a sleepover with Skylar, I'll just bring her home with me"

"Alright soarin, your choice" Carmel said.

We all decided to go back home, I carried rainbow like a child home. When I went inside I saw my mom she didn't see rainbow at first since I was looking the door.

"Hi soarin," She said

"Hi mom" I said turning

"Is that rainbow?" She asked

"Ya..." I said, "she wasn't feeling to hot earlier, and since her dads out of town, I thought I could take her here for a bit"

"Oh that's nice dear, why is she sleeping?" She asked

I sat on the couch holding rainbow on my lap rocking her. "She ran off and fell asleep under a tree" I don't like to lie to my mother.

"Poor thing" My mom said coming over and sitting next to us, she felt her forehead, "she's warm what happened to her"

"Um... Her stomach had been bothering her, at least that's what she told me" I said

"She probably has a stomach bug," My mom said, "I'll get the thermometer" She said going to get the weird head thermometer.

I pushed her bangs out of her face, and kisses her forehead. She shifted closer to me. I smiled.

My mother came back and checked her temperature, "102.6 she's definitely sick," She said,

I stroked Rainbows hair, "where are Skylar and Cloud?" I asked

"They're upstairs" She said

"Ok..." I said

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