thank you♡

47 3 12

Hello and also goodbye,

so this is the end of my first story in english- I should be proud but I'm kinda sad that it ended... It was fun writing it and maybe I'll upload more stories in english now.

I wanted to thank all of you, who read my story. We hit 1k reads before the end and I'm kinda surprised because it's the first time that it happened to me... So thank you for these reads.
Also thank you for every single vote you left and also for your comments. It weren't much, yes, but still (We'll just ignore pushyinred thank you).

I'm also thankful for not showing me any mistakes i made in that story. There were a lot, I know, but like I said in the beginning: English is not my first language and that causes some spelling or grammar mistakes. And nobody judged me for mistakes I made, thank you <3

I actually want to write more but the only thing I can say to you is thank you for supporting me, I really appreciate it...

About the Q&A: you can still ask questions if you want to, and maybe we'll get enough questions one day so that I can finally do my first Q&A.

So I guess I gotta say goodbye now... Maybe we'll see each other in another story of mine. Maybe in a german one, maybe in an english one, who knows what the future will bring
And again, thank you for everything and see you <3


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