Success Or Failure

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Standing Point

2222 Hours

Third Person Pov

"How she is?"

A frightening man asks the paramedic outside the tent. The medic looks back with a heavy sigh and rips his mask off.

"She is stable. But, it will be a long-term recovery with that stab wound."


"Well, because she is a little girl of course. But you were lucky. She could die without proper medical care."

The medic slaps the man's shoulder and left him outside the tent. The Commander groaned to himself and promised to learn more medical. Not for him, but for her.

Azur Lane Headquarter

0400 Hours

Third Person Pov

The fifth day is nowhere. Vestal and Hornet will arrive today with Yorktown. Nobody other than Commander himself knows they are coming.

Wales did have her suspension on him. But quickly wave it off after day three. And Y/n crackle his evil laugh alone.

Thinking himself a mastermind, but forgot the duty patrol ships right outside Azur Lane. And he did not have Fang, as that lazy dragon is with Graf Zeppelin at Sakura Empire or Iron Blood.

Y/n did not really know where Fang is now. But knows he is with Graf Zeppelin.

So second idea is to dispatch his Shadow Knights and Manjuus to gather the patrol ships back and make them take an hour break. And the birds and knights will take duty.

Foolproof he thought, but he forgot Maid Corps. Working day and night. Spying everywhere and are invisible to normal pair of eyes.

If Y/n did not have a Shadow Knight under that maid spying on him now. He would never find where she is hiding.

"Belfast. Why are you here?"

He stares at the 'normal' tree before, smokes comes out and disappears again soon afterward, and shows Belfast in her maid outfit.

"Taking early morning walk."

"Real reason."

"I arrived yesterday. And heard the rumors."

"Which one?"

"You and Enterprise. The Commander did something too lewd and the Grey Ghost responded with sent the man out flying." Belfast said with Shakespeare's tone.

"Very funny. And can you keep Enty away from the medical wing for today and maybe tomorrow."

"Of course, M.A.S.T.E.R~"

Belfast use smokes again and disappears as she appeared before. The Commander stares where she just was for seconds ago.

"That maid." He facepalms and remembers a KMS ship that would do the same.

Azur Lane Anotherworlder Commander [Male Reader] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now