Chapter 3:

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A/N: Mairon is too pretty for this world... Anyway, back to the story, sorry for the hiatus😢

~~(Present Time)~~

    Beleg had traveled to meet me after hearing what Gandalf and I had found at the tomb- or rather what we hadn't.  We were both troubled by the many things converging on Arda.  My husband was returning to bodily form and raising an army.  The dwarves gathered by Gandalf were converging on Erebor, giving the armies under my husband the gall to think they could snatch it up from the dwarves.  Armies were marching to Erebor to challenge the dragon and the dwarves.

"What should we do, Natar?" Beleg frowned down at me.

"Our primary focus should be to keep your father from gaining the upper hand.  We cannot let him gain more power.  He is still weak, so if we can stop him from taking Erebor, then we can postpone his return so we have more time to prepare," I replied.

     Beleg nodded, but was silent for a bit.  I looked up at him.  His face wore a familiar expression that he seemed to be wearing more and more these days.

"What troubles you?" I asked.

"I just... It won't ever be the same again, will it?  Even if we stop him, even if he stops this madness... It won't ever be the way it was before the Rings..." Beleg sighed.

"I know.  But... we must do what is best for Arda... No matter what," I reminded him sadly.

"Even if we lose him forever?" my son looked at me.

     I kept my mouth shut and turned away from his gaze.  I still had hope that we could bring Mairon back; The old Mairon, my Mairon.  But I had more doubts than hope.  He had been on this quest for power for millennia, and I was worried he wouldn't ever stop unless something rendered him unable.

"We should make for the mountain as soon as possible.  I don't know when the armies will get there," I said quietly.

     Beleg didn't respond, but climbed onto his horse.  I followed suit and we rode off in the direction of Erebor.


     We were only a few days from the mountain.  It was nighttime, and Beleg had just tagged in to keep watch.  I huddled under my blanket and closed my eyes.


     I was in an office of sorts.  It was quite clean and the walls were black.  Behind a nice, wooden desk was a window that overlooked what I presumed was Mordor.  Mairon sat at the desk, sifting through paper work, as if this was a normal day and I hadn't just suddenly appeared.

"I'm dreaming," I said aloud, quite simply.

"Yes," Mairon replied. "I gathered enough strength to project this into your mind."

"Mind games, then," I frowned, a bit angry.

"No!  I just wanted to see you.  I wanted you to see me..." Mairon set his paperwork down.

"So you're not actually in this place?"

"No.  This is what it looked like, though, before it was destroyed.  Barad-dur, I mean."

"So you think that we're just going to be all good?  Like you didn't kill a large percentage of my family and friends trying to take over Arda?"


     Mairon gave me a sad look, but I remained angry.  I wouldn't let him get away with all this, no matter how much I missed him.

"I want to talk with you, Mairon, but I'm not going to let you off the hook.  You've done terrible things, and I don't really think you're going to stop just because I disapprove," I sighed.

"You're right.  On all accounts," Mairon looked down at his desk.

"So?  No excuses?" I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms.

"Misha, I want to stop, but I can't.  People need to respect us.  They need to stop looking at our family like the scum of the earth.  I will make them pay for everything they've done to us," Mairon stood heatedly.

"Mairon, you know they look at us like that because of you!  Because of the things you've done, they look at Beleg and I like that!" I cried.

     Mairon stopped.  He looked like he'd just been shot.

"Misha..." he looked at me, shocked that I said that.

"What?  It's true, Mairon.  And they're going to keep looking at us like that if you keep this up," I fumed.

     Mairon pursed his lips and turned his back to me.  Then everything went black.

   It's Easter Pause over in my school district, and I really wanna keep updating.  Sorry for the angst, but... It's kinda called for.  Hopefully it gets better for the beans' marital troubles :].  Anyway, probably expect more updates in the next couple days, but... uh.  I can't promise anything.........

From the desk (laptop) of Mishmish Barnes,


P.S.  Yeah I should be sleeping rn, but I had inspiration and I would have died if I didn't write something.  Also, I do want to try to keep up with this particular story because this family is my comfort family, but I will be very busy because we have two weeks till opening night for our school's musical (we get to do one!! :D) and I am a lead (I crave validation from my director......).  But hopefully I can keep updating for you guys.  Whoops.  Uh rambling... Stop it Misha!!! Go to bed!!!!!! <3

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