Chapter 5 1/2: Valinor

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Uh... Hiya.  Been hyperfixating.  Anyway, I'm back.  Also, I have a job now so I don't have as much time on my hands, but you know.  Anyway, I hate writing battless, so for the sake of my sanity we're just gonna.......... skip those.  Uhhhh, I'm really sorry.  It's like midnight and I do not have the energy for war.  But here's a little tideover part.

~Misha (In the distant past btw)~

     Everything shone in Valinor.  I mean everything, even the grass.  It was a bit too bright for me at times, but I grew used to it.  We had been in Valinor for awhile now.  Finwe had begun courting a woman, and he had less time to spend with me.  I didn't mind it much, since he was happy, but I got lonely sometimes.

     Mairon had come along with me, still disguised as a Noldorin elf named Silme.  Sometimes I forgot who he really was, but he always visited me late at night undisguised.  He had accepted a job in Aule's forges and would often bring me knick-knacks he had made for me.  He had certainly been humble about his talent for smithing when we had met.  Every piece was more beautiful than the last.  Tonight, I was sitting up in my room, waiting for him to visit me.  Every elf who'd come over had either been provided a house or had built one.

     The window in front of my position at my desk opened, and Mairon clambered through.  I got out of my chair to give him some room.  He hopped off my desk and straightened his outfit out.  It was wonderful to see his true visage again.  I had grown fond of his strange slit-pupiled and fiery colored eyes, as well as his well-maintained blond hair.

"Evening, Misha," Mairon smiled.

"Hi, Mairon," I smiled back. "So, what're we doing tonight?"

"Well... I actually... I have something to confess," Mairon flushed a deep red.

"What is it?" I frowned, closing the window to keep the draft out.

"It's... Ever since I met you, you've intrigued me, and not in the way I normally am intrigued.  I find myself  craving your presence at every hour of the day, when you smile in my direction I feel butterflies in my stomach, every single hour is consumed by thoughts of you... It's been bothering me for ages and I thought it would be better if you knew than to hide it.  I think I'm attracted to you.  Romantically..." Mairon confessed.

     I blinked in shock.  Mairon.  Attracted.  To me.  Out of all the elves here, all much more desirable than I, he fell for me.  To be quite honest, I had been attracted to him for some time.  I melted every time he brought me a gift and every time we talked.  But I had dismissed the possibility that he reciprocated my feelings.  It should have been impossible for someone as handsome and intelligent as Mairon to have feelings for me.  I was a socially awkward outcast.  The only people who really talked to me were Finwe and Mairon and only Mairon really ever listened.  But he had confessed his attraction.  That had to mean something.  Maybe it was true.  Maybe he could like me.  But maybe he would still tire of me.

"Misha?  Please say something... the silence is actually deafening," Mairon pulled me out of my thoughts.

"I..." I tried to think of a good way to put things, I couldn't mess this up. "Mairon, I'm attracted to you too... I'm only worried... I mean, it seems impossible that you could like me and what if you decide my presence is boring?  What if you don't truly feel this way?  I'm not good enough for someone as conventionally attractive as you.."

"Misha..." Mairon's face softened with concern and he gently grabbed my hand. "I could never tire of your presence.  Your laugh, your smile, the way you get so excited when you talk about your interests... Everything about you is amazing and I never want to be rid of it.  Besides, I happen to think you're just as handsome as I am."

"You think so?" I asked softly as Mairon let go of my hand to cup my face.

"Absolutely.  You are the most handsome person I have ever met.  I'd love it if we could be... official, you know, but if you don't want that, I'll back off.."

"No!  No.  I want to be official too..."

"You do?"

"Um, yes?"

"Oh!  I was so worried you wouldn't, I prepared a whole speech about respecting your wishes and everything!"

"You are such a planner!"

"Like you don't do the same!"

"You have me there..."

"What..." Mairon paused awkwardly, "What should I call you?  Like you would call me your boyfriend, but what about you?"

"Oh!" I smiled, "I suppose I like boyfriend too!"

"Oh, I can't wait to tell everyone that you're my boyfriend," Mairon smiled, looking down at me.

      I laughed and pressed a small kiss to the hand that was cupping my face.  Mairon's whole face went red and he seemed to shut down for a second, before he grinned from ear to ear and pulled me into a tight hug.  I smiled into his chest, hugging him back.  To be quite honest, despite all of my thoughts and feelings of anxiety, I felt safe from it all in his arms.  He was warm and inviting, and I could almost forget for a minute that he was technically a wanted man.

   Hello again.  It's a short one, but I like it :).  Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to get the next main plotline chapter out soon.  Also, for further reference, I headcanon Mairon as autistic (I'm autistic too, just not diagnosed since I'm afab and my parents just wrote it off as being anxious and q u i r k y) so yee.  Also, I just want to write him being very happy and flappy when he talks about smithing or wolves, so perhaps soon...... :))).  Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this smol addition, be sure to like and subscribe and smash that like button!! Also, according to Wattpad statistics, only a small percentage of people who read my stories are actually subscribed, so if you------ I am so sorry I don't know what came over me... 

From the desk (laptop) of Mishmish Barnes,


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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