Chapter 2: Glimpses

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Is the boi ginge? Is he blond? We may never know. Tell me what you think! Anywho. Read on!

~The PastTM~
When I opened my eyes, I was met with a warm sensation. I moved my hand, feeling something furry. I sighed contentedly. I closed my eyes again. Then, I heard footsteps.
"How are you feeling?" a warm voice asked.
I looked towards the speaker. It was the man who had thrown me in the dungeon. He held up his hands in truce.
"You were hurt badly. How do you feel?" he asked again.
"I... I don't..." I sat up.
I gasped. It felt like my skin was burning, stretching. The man was quickly at my side. He put a hand gently on my back, where the pain must have originated. I realized I was wrapped in bandages.
"Take it easy," the man ordered.
"What-" I stopped when I remembered.
I was hurt because I'd been whipped. I remembered the flames, the searing pain. Whips were bad enough, but add fire to them, and I was surprised I lived. The man seemed to know what I was thinking.
"Many don't. You have will," he said.
"I'm not anything special," I frowned.
"If you say so."
He stood and strode over to a window. As always, the stars glittered over head. All was silent and calm for a second. Then, the ground began to shake violently. The man rushed over to steady and protect me.
"What's happening?" I asked, scared out of my mind and wishing I didn't trust this man.
"Orome. He is searching for me," he explained.
"Why? Who are you?" I looked at his handsome features.
"Mairon. Lieutenant of Melkor," the man admitted.
I scooted away from him, scared of his touch. Mairon looked away as the shaking stopped. He got up again.
"You should be better enough to leave in a couple days," he said coldly. "Don't get comfortable."
"How long have you been taking care of me?" I asked.
"Too long. I couldn't risk moving you any more than I had to. I've stayed in one spot far too long."
"I'm sorry to be such a burden."
The man looked away and ducked outside. I laid back carefully. The bed was covered in thick fur blankets. This man sure had a lot of animal pelts.
I was well enough to leave, now. I wished I didn't have to, but I couldn't burden Mairon any longer. He seemed nice enough, even though he worked for the Dark Lord. He had saved me.
Mairon was cooking breakfast. I watched him carefully plate the food. He suddenly looked up at me with his startling slit-pupiled eyes.
"What?" he asked.
"Nothing, I just... I should leave today. I've been a burden long enough. I could try to find my brother. I bet he's sick with worry..." I sighed.
"No. You can never return to Cuivienen," Mairon explained.
"Once you leave, you can never find it again. You must find your own way. At least, that's what Aule told me."
"My old master. Before I became Melkor's lieutenant, I worked in Aule's forges."
"Huh. So you're a blacksmith?"
"Not much anymore."
"I bet you were great at it."
"I am. I just don't have the time."
I watched as he finished plating the food. He handed me my plate of eggs. I began eating them.
"You know, I suppose... I suppose you could stay a bit longer," Mairon didn't look at me.
"I couldn't. I don't want to be the reason you get caught..." I shook my head.

"Then I guess I won't let you leave," Mairon stood up to his full height, the shadows from the fire making him seem impossibly taller.

I sighed and set down my plate.

"Fine. I'll stay. But we move around from now on. No more staying for longer than a day or two. I hear Orome is the best hunter in Arda," I compromised.

"You would be correct. But I am the best hider in Arda," Mairon grinned.


I was asleep on the forest floor, a cloak and a fur blanket shielding me from the elements. Mairon was asleep at my side. He had decided we shouldn't light a fire for warmth, as Orome had been drawing ever closer. He had, however, warmed me until I fell asleep, by creating a small ball of flame in his palm. I knew he would never admit he had a soft spot for me.

I was woken by the sound of many people approaching. I jumped up, disoriented and far from awake. Mairon grumbled in his sleep. one thing I had learned over the last month, the man (Maia?) slept like a log. Torches appeared in the forest to our side. The first person to emerge from the treeline was Orome himself, glowing like the stars above. His silver hair was tied back, and it swayed in the breeze. He immediately saw me, but Mairon was hidden by some grass and logs. I shook him discreetly and he finally woke up. His eyes widened and he immediately shifted to look like an average Noldorin elf. I had no idea what our cover story was, but Mairon was better under stress than I, and I could see the wheels turning in his head.

Orome approached us. I tried not to look suspicious, which was hard, as I was terrible with secrets. Mairon, however, looked fine. It made me a little worried how easily he could lie sometimes.

"Who would dare spend the night in the plains unattended?" Orome asked.

"Those who have no other home," Mairon replied. "I am Silme, this is my companion Misha. We were captured by the orcs and set loose only a few months ago. We could not find our way home."

Ok. Now we had a cover story. I breathed a sigh of relief that Mairon was better at being believable than me. A mass of elves emerged from the woods, led by three familiar faces: Finwe, Ingwe, and Olwe. I gasped at the sight of my brother and his friends. They all glowed just as brightly as Orome. Finwe's eyes widened at the sight of me too. I raced forward. I had missed my brother dearly. Finwe embraced me quickly.

"Where have you been?!" he cried.

"I... I wandered too far, brother... I was taken. They took me... to the dungeons. I was badly hurt, but... Silme rescued me. We've been surviving together since..." I glossed over the horrors of Utumno and made sure to fit with the cover story.

Finwe frowned, looking over to Mairon, who stood with Orome. Mairon gave us a smile, that looked strange to me on his new face. It was too Mairon-like for an elf. But no one else seemed to notice. Finwe grabbed my hand and pulled me over to Mairon and Orome.

"Thank you, Silme, for saving my sibling," he smiled sincerely.

"It was no trouble. They are good company," Mairon looked straight at me, with something in his eyes that I couldn't make out.

"Lord Orome, do we have room for two more travelers?" my brother looked at the Vala.

Orome's unsettling silver eyes thought for a moment. Then he nodded. Finwe grinned from ear to ear.

"Excellent!" he exclaimed. "I will fill you in, Misha, and get to know your savior. I hope he is as good company as he says you are!"

"He is," I smiled at Mairon, whose pointed ears flushed pink, before he plastered on a cocky grin.

"Of course I'm good company. Now, I'd love to hear where we're headed," Mairon grabbed my other hand.

I stared down at our linked hands. My brother liked to hold my hand so I wouldn't wander off, but Mairon had never done this. What did it mean? Did he... like me? Mairon bumped me with his hip.

"You hear that, my intrepid companion? We're headed to Valinor!" he grinned.

Whoops, I think I now feel that Mairon acts like Julian Devorak. Not a bad thing, tho. Hope it was good. Please comment, vote, whatever ya feel. Reminder also, that I write sometimes on Tumblr! Bai!!

From the desk (laptop) of Mishmish Barnes,


{Tumblr: peacockwinchester}

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