{3} On The House

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When it was finally lunch, I decided to freshen up and wash the sleep out of my eyes. Turned out, the icy cold water could chase away the drowsiness only for a few hours.

I was washing my face when a beautiful, tall, dark blonde dressed in a cheerleader uniform walked in with her entourage and stopped beside me. Her lackeys surrounded me and one of them even went as far as to shut the door. Her skirt stopped just a few centimeters below her butt and her long tan legs were on full display. 

Weren't such short dresses violating the dress code?

Thoroughly entertained, I wiped my face with a face towel and pocketed it back. I turned around smiling and leaned against the counter. I noticed the blonde bimbo glaring at me. I smiled back.

"Hello, ladies," I greeted, grinning.

"What the hell was that?" The bimbo snapped.

"Tsk tsk," I reproached, my mood lifting at the crazy banter again. "That's no way to greet-"

"Look at you and look at me," she snapped, cutting me off. "People like you don't deserve niceties from people like me."

My gaze hardened and my smile got a renewed edge. If only she knew.

"Watch your mouth, slut," I snapped back. The girls around us - five, I counted, apart from the bimbo- let out a collective gasp.

"What did you just call me?!" She demanded in a high-pitched voice.

"Get an appointment with an ENT specialist first, then we'll talk."

"What the hell?!" She cried frustrated. I rolled my eyes. "Apologize!"

"Hon, obviously you don't know how it works," I started. "You insulted me, I insulted you, the score is even. We don't need apologies, not unless it's an olive branch which I doubt this is."

"Bitch!" She cursed. "You humiliated me in front of Lucian!"

"What?" I asked, genuinely puzzled. I racked my brains. I didn't humilia- ohhhh. That tush push. The blonde Adonis. The screech. The whelp. The grunt.

I cracked up.

"That was you?" I asked in between laughs.

"You'll pay for that," she threatened.

I laughed harder.

It was so cliché, it was hilarious.

"Yup, sure I will," I mocked. "Now, can I leave?"

"This isn't a joke, mark my words," she tried again.

I curbed my laughter.

"Hon, next time you go fawning over guys, keep your butt to yourself or else it's gonna happen again," I smiled.

She glared.

"So, I don't owe you shit," I continued, "Also, your welcome. At least you got to sit in his lap! Ain't that what you wanted all along?" I smiled a sickly sweet smile, batting my eyelashes.

"I'd say you owe me," I went on, highly motivated by her red face, "But it's fine. Just this one time, I say it's on the house."

I winked and pushed my way through to the door, flinging it open.

"It was a pleasure," I called back into the silent washroom triumphantly and slammed the door shut, smiling maniacally.

I found Freya while I was in the same state a while later near my locker. She had hers across from mine.

"What's with the smile?" She asked me, greeting me with her own when I went over to say hi.

"Oh, that?" I asked, chuckling. "A stupid cheerleader just tried to intimidate me in the washrooms during lunch and well she failed spectacularly."

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