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Up above is Isabelle's outfit for the day. Add a pair of stockings and replace the sneakers with ankle boots and it'll be complete!

I slammed my locker door shut with more force than necessary. I was cranky this morning. Why? Because Logan came home late last night and didn't talk to me like usual. He avoided me all morning and drove Cher whereas I drove my Maserati. He even went as far as parking far away from me.

He didn't even chat with me near my locker.

It happened one day, Isabelle. Doesn't mean its a habit. Stop worrying.


He's basically my brother! Of course I'm worried.

What's surprising is that Jacob and Carter seemed to understand whatever is happening cause they're almost always clueless. I walked in on the boys talking as early as six in the morning, sitting shirtless in the living room, chatting. The funny thing about it though, was that I was completely nonchalant  about it since its seriously nothing I've never seen - but, Logan on the other hand panicked like a fucking pigeon near a human and flew upstairs with a short 'good morning'. He didn't even wait for a reply.

As I made myself a smoothie after the whole ordeal, I was irritated to see the boys talking in whispers.

Like, fuck.

I walked into AP Lit grumpily. Mr. McQueen sat on his desk reading a worn out copy of what looked like Wuthering Heights. I hoped that complicated shit wasn't part of our course.

I threw my books on the corner desk near the door where I sat last time and lay down on my hands.

"Morning, love," someone called a few moments later as they sat down beside me.

"Morning, Luke," I wished, turning my head to face him, resting it on my palms. I didn't bother correcting him. He didn't seem to mean anything serious by the endearment. It was playful and flirty, much like his personality, from what I'd gathered.

"Why the long face?" he asked.

"I'm annoyed." I stated.

"That's quite obvious, Izzy," he pointed out. I was shocked to hear my name from him. It's the first time he called my anything other than 'love'. "What happened?" he questioned.

"Logan is being weird," I mumbled.


"That's exactly I what I - " I stopped abruptly, "Hey, Log," I greeted Logan who just took an empty seat in front of me.

"Bells," he nodded in acknowledgement, "Lucian," and then turned around to face the front.

"See?" I hissed in a whisper towards Luke, throwing my hands up in exasperation.

He merely frowned in reply, looking at Logan as if trying to figure it all out.

The bell for first period rang.

"Take out your notes notebooks," Mr. McQueen began unceremoniously, "We'll continue Figures of Speech . . ."


"Finally," I breathed, as the bell signaling the end of the lesson rang. Luke let out a low chuckle as he heard me and I offered him a sheepish smile. Mr. McQueen stopped teaching and the students piled out of the class like cattle. Like before, I decided to wait till the rush cleared.

I saw Luke talking to a few girls beside me so I let him be. I noticed Logan was sitting in his seat too, and had his attention solely on Tarter.

"You coming, Log?" I asked as I swept my books off the table.

Imperfectly PerfectNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ